Nowadays, people have become too much health conscious as compared to previous times when less attention was paid to medical aid which even was not available to such an extent as is these days. The people in those days used to undergo treatment by local Hakims who would prescribe various kinds of herbs etc and put the patient without meals for days together. But, now-a-days, the medical aid even for the most fatal and complicated diseases is available at doorstep.
Many diseases have been eradicated and uprooted because of the advanced medical aid. Inspite of being medically conscious some people are in the habit of self medication which can prove fatal and hazardous, sometimes. It should be avoided. The advertisements of certain medicines in the media are also responsible for self medication. Such advertisements should be banned immediately. Self medication can endanger so many lives and therefore should be avoided at any cost.
Yours etc…
Dwarika Nath Raina
Upper Muthi Jammu