Self reliant India, a strong Bharat

Shiban Khaibri
” India (Bharat) is the cradle of the human race, the birth place of human speech, the mother of history , the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition, our most valuable and most constructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India (Bharat) only…………”
(Mark Twain, a great American writer)
At the outset, let it be made abundantly clear that this country has always been imparting knowledge and enlightenment to the humankind , the concept of a University or a grand Gurukul emanated from this country by giving to the world its first and a magnificent university known as Takshashila University dating back as much as 700 B.C. It had 300 lecture halls , laboratories , giant library and a towering observatory for astronomical research , not to speak of the Bharti culture and art, philosophy and reasoning , logic and having regard for other’s views, mind boggling and bewildering architecture and workmanship etc which have shaped other cultures phenomenally . Mathematics and science , medicine and therapeutic techniques, metaphysics, yog and meditation, games like chess etc are few among numerous specialities this country is known for . In matters of divinity, spiritualism, craving for knowing deeply the intricacies of nature , life and death , this country has its richest history and legacy with no parallels. Samvaad or debates has been the epitome of clearing doubts and accommodating others’ viewpoint in this country and never establishing anything by using the element of violence.
Albert Einstein, therefore, had to admit, “We owe a lot to the Indians who taught us how to count without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been ever made.” Yes, but it was not in our blood and psyche to invade other countries and establish our rule and faith by force and coercion , enslaving the natives of those countries even by putting any reluctance, let alone any type of resistance, to sword. Women having been accorded the status of akin to goddesses, have all along been symbols of reverence and esteem in this country. Politics and governance like intricate areas have been favourites of medieval Hindu women. However, future impartial historians and unprejudiced analysts alone can evaluate and assess whether such a traditional policy of not subjugating and invading other countries to establish Indian rule and culture which had greatest influence of the great Indian civilization right from Vedic period, was a right one or based on sheer complacency about the dangers of mysterious future.
However, while this land has been that of warriors and variants, it has an unparalleled heritage of spreading peace, co-existence and belief in inclusiveness. Reciprocity, if not in equal measure but to some reasonable extent, could enhance and strengthen such high beliefs of human values, co-existence, peace and no war and ensure progress of all. This writer, very often, refers to the ugly and most devastating partition which left trail of human woes because it was done under duress, sheer communalism , pressure, blackmail , direct action and threat of “divided India or destroyed India” . Still, whatever was left of this great country , instead of it also becoming a theocratic state, as a natural corollary, magnanimity of the people let it be ”the country of all” including those who voted for creation of Islamic Pakistan but did not cross over but after partition “preferred” to continue to live in this country. This is the cardinal, the central , the most important and inseparable fact of this country and about the generosity and altruistic nature of the majority community .
Before anyone thinks to try to harm this country, damage its social and nationalistic fabric, trying to destabilise and disintegrate this country, spread violence and hate , events of 1946 and 1947 must never be lost sight of . Not only that, post 1947 millions of Bangladeshi people slowly but regularly kept infiltrating into this country to live and settle here and to dislodge demographic equations. Not only that , thousands of Rohingyas from Myanmar too were ”sent” to this country to live here and get full protection of every type as Human Rights Champions , branded liberals and democrats and many politicians are quite in good number in this country to afford all protection to these illegal immigrants .
These very champions of human rights, surprisingly, are dumb struck and evasive on the fate of more than five lakh natives of Kashmir – Kashmiri Pandits- with more than 5000 years roots in and hounded out of Kashmir and continuing to be wandering and rolling and tossing for the last 32 years in this country. But a few politicians , of late, have started making a reference about the plight of Kashmiri Pandits only and only to corner, settle political scores and embarrass Narendra Modi. Not only most honest and highly secular Kejriwal but even Owasi has made a reference about “What Modi has done for Kashmiri Pandits’ return ” but neither has castigated and decried Pakistan , terrorists and fundamentalists due to whom the problem took birth, was sustained and strongly exists even now.
To probably embarrass Modi, Kejriwal’s party for the first time recently even held demonstration at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar for KPs but offered not a single job to them and showed no other consideration as his government is showering on Rohingyas. For numerous reasons and factors, therefore, how much important rather increasingly cardinal for our country becoming more and more self sufficient and self reliant coupled with a strong military power can well be visualised . It got amply its own quantum of emphasis and utmost compulsoriness when few years ago the demand for importing supercomputer met with lot of reluctance and simple and clear rejection by the exporting super power America when the Indian government made all efforts for importing one, even being ready to pay the cost in cash say Rs. 70 crore or even more . Had we got it , most probably , complacency and frugality in efforts would have set in and our scientists , next to none in the world , would have not developed our own Swadeshi Bharti Supercomputer known as Param meaning the top or super, so fast .
God only knows what a stuff Indian scientists and technologists are made of that they believe in doing wonders only. It is to be believed that Indian scientists made supercomputer in less time and with unbelievably lesser cost when a comparison was made with the American scientists and manufacturers. As against American version costing Rs.70 crore, our scientists made a better version only and only for Rs.3 crore . Believe it and recalling that Bharti supercomputer proved to be world’s second fastest supercomputer . Our supercomputer , therefore, not only surprised the world including America but opened up the gates for India to gain entry into the elite club of US, Russia and UK in the field of advanced information technology .
Some recent pressure tactics by some small countries, otherwise being our friends, over an unfortunate incident has again led credence to this country becoming an economic giant and a military super-power. Acts of rampant violence, very unfortunately, within some parts of the country under organised manner for quite some time particularly since 2019 under various pretexts and conspiracies to destabilise this country and to thwart and abort prospective reforms- political, social and economic- warrants more stress on self reliant measures and enhancing our military power even at the cost of some developmental infrastructural projects. India, that is Bharat as per Article 1(1) of the constitution , cannot afford to be any complacent or soft on its treading the path of strengthening its economy and its military strength and prowess if this great civilization and culture and rich heritage are to remain and remain for all times to come.