Selfie obsession in India

Selfie, which was awarded the best word for 2013, has hit a level where it can be called a phenomenon. Though humans have a history of getting overly obsessed with such phenomenon, and that is what happened and is still happening with Selfies. To get more social media attention people capture selfies at dangerous places and with dangerous animals. It all has led to heavy injuries and even deaths of those attempting to take an ultimate Selfie.
The Selfie craze doesn’t seem to be dying anytime soon, but a lot of people are dying because of it. In fact, India led the world in Selfie-related deaths in past 3 years. It’s shocking to find out after doing quick research that India accounts for more than 50 percent of selfies death every year and its increasing very rapidly.
A question arises : “Is the Selfie more important than life”. Government has not  made any laws in this regard but some initiatives have been taken by states like Mumbai where 16” No Selfie Zones” have been marked and penalty of 1200 for violation of these Rules. Instead of becoming addicted to the Selfie (mental disorder) people especially youths have to think about its fatal effects and awareness should be created among all persons to use smart phones as a communication system rather than as a death phone.
Yours etc…..
Vishal Khajuria