Separate homeland only solution to Pandits’ problems: PK

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 15: Maintaining that no symbolic return will be acceptable to the community Panun Kashmir (PK) chairman, Dr Ajay Chrungoo today said carving out of a separate homeland for seven lakh Kashmiri Pandits as per the Marg Darshan resolution of 1991 is the cornerstone for the return and rehabilitation of Pandits.
In an informal chat with the media persons here, today Dr Chrungoo said that Panun Kashmir is totally opposed to any symbolic return move which does not fulfill the aspirations of seven lakh displaced Pandits leading an exiled life outside Valley for over last 31 years now.
The PK leader also took a strong dig at those political parties and members of the community who are misleading the displaced Pandits by holding the Navreh functions in different shrines in Valley saying this all is being done to bailout the forces responsible for the genocide and persecution of the community.
Chrungoo said PK has oft repeated made its position clear on return and rehabilitation as the separate homeland on the North Eastern side of river Jehlum (Vitasta) is the only solution to the long standing issue. He made it clear that Kashmir belongs to Pandits and community which has suffered persecution over 700 years and faced seven exodus since then will not budge an inch from the separate homeland demand.
He lashed out at those forces organising religious functions in some temples in the Valley for not taking the cognizance of the damage and vandalizing of these religious places by the marauders of humanity over the last three decades. Chrungoo appealed the community to get united at this critical juncture and not to get misled by the lollypops shown by some political parties and vested interests among the community in this regard.
He said instead of misleading the community it is high time for the Government to act against the persecutors of the Pandits and those Jehadis who are responsible for killing of hundreds members of the community and are still moving scot free in the Valley.