Separate Jammu State can restore dignity of people: NPP

Excelsior Correspondent

KISHTWAR, Aug 29: Leading the 2nd phase of  Haq-insaaf  yatra started by Panther’s Party for separate statehood for Jammu region, party president Balwant Singh Mankotia (Ex-MLA) today said that  only separate Jammu state can restore dignity and honour of the people of  Jammu region.
Addressing public gathering at Kishtwar today and some other places, Mankotia highlighted the motive to start this  Haq-insaaf yatra for seeking justice for the people of Jammu region. He said being a hilly and far-flung area where employment avenues are less, priority should be given to local youths in hydro power projects and in private companies.
The former MLA further said that the NPP has raised the issue of unemployment of youth of  hilly areas on many occasions. Educated and skilled youth are deprived of employment resulting frustration and increase in number of unemployed youth. In Govt jobs, youth of Jammu region, particularly of hilly areas are too getting thin representation. He reiterated that separate Jammu is the only option to end discrimination in employment sector and restore dignity of people.
Mankotia also raised the issue of  Article 35-A with youth and citizens of Kishtwar and convinced them why it is necessary to abolish this article.  He said this article is the main hurdle in employment avenues as multinational companies are not interested to invest in Jammu and Kashmir. He reiterated that priority should be given to local youth of  Kishtwar in hydo- power projects so that they get employment and become self- reliant.
Mankotia asked youth to prepare Statehood Committees at very Panchayat of  district to garner support for separate Jammu State Movement.  He also enrolled 50 new delegates at Kishtwar city into party fold and announced District Youth Committee with office bearer which include Sakeet Meer as city president, Sanjeet Kotwal as youth president  while Sunil Kumar, Sunny Shwan, Akshey Goswamy, Arfat Nazar, Shagil  Ishaq, Imtiaz Hussian, Manzoor Ahmad, Nayeem Malik,Mudasir, Suresh Kumar as members.  The meeting was organised by District  president Rehmat Choudhary and State secretary, Rajinder Wazir.