Separatists can’t succeed in creating wedge among different communities: Dr Jitendra

Avtar Bhat
DODA, Apr 14: Lashing out at separatists and terrorists, Union Minister of State in PMO with independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendra Singh today said that separatists and terrorists will never succeed in their designs to divide the people of different faiths for their vested interests.
Addressing a massive gathering at Dharaman Jodhpur near here on the eve of Baisakhi Mela today, Dr Jitendra Singh said the erstwhile Doda district has been a symbol of pluralism and it has always been on forefront in fostering Hindu Muslim brotherhood.
“There can be no better example than this that on the eve of Baisakhi mela a sizable number of Muslims have also been the part of today’s function. Besides, along with Hindus the members of Muslim community also rendered full cooperation in constructing a road to Kandar Devta Shrine belonging to Hindus”, he added.
He said the separatists in past tried a lot to create a communal divide among the people but they totally failed in their designs and the people of this hilly belt deserve all credit for the same.
He, while stressing unity among the people of all faiths lambasted the pseudo secular leaders, said that those talking about secularism are themselves responsible for dividing the communities and creating a wedge among different sections of the society. “They instigated Hindus against Muslims, created conflict among the people on the basis of caste, religion and region for their vested interests only”, he added.
The Union Minister said there will be no conflict among the communities in the society if a Hindu follows his religion in true sense and a Muslim will be a true Muslim. “Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has given the slogan of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikaas and that is our dharma i.e to serve the people irrespective of their religion, region and caste”, he added.
Paying glowing tributes to Dr B R Ambedkar on his birth anniversary, he said Modi Government is working on the footsteps of this great son of India to foster Hindu, Muslim unity and without naming the opposition parties, he accused them that they divided the people on the name of unity earlier.
Making a scathing attack on previous Governments, he alleged that the erstwhile Doda district was totally neglected in development despite the fact that representatives from here were powerful Ministers at Central as well as in the successive State Governments.
Dr Singh who laid the foundation of four km long Hanch to Draman road along with MLA Doda, Shakti Parihar, expressed the hope that next year all the pilgrims will visit to Kandar Devta  Shrine on Baisakhi Mela in vehicles instead of foot.  “This road as well as other roads in this hilly belt could not be constructed in last 40 years by those who were ministers in Delhi and the State because they had other priorities”, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that Modi Government is committed to fulfill the dreams of Deen Dayal Upadayay and Dr B R Ambedkar that last man in the last queue should get benefit of the Government schemes.
He highlighted various developmental projects which have been sanctioned for the erstwhile Doda district and said that Bhadarwah to Sudh Mahadev road could not be conceived in last 70 years and also referred to Chattargala Tunnel which will connect Doda with HP and said the distance from Lakhanpur to Doda after construction of this tunnel will be covered in four hours while that of Dalhousie could be covered in five hours.
This development became possible because of Prime Minister ,Narendra Modi, he said. The Prime Minister took a bold step saying that his Government will not give subsidy on gas cylinders and those who have good earning should give up their subsidy.  This mantra of PM worked so well that the people voluntarily gave up their subsidy, he added.
The Union Minister said the time has changed now and “our endeavor is betterment and upliftment of down-trodden and weaker sections of society. This Government is committed to serve the people on the principle nation first.”
He said the question is not what Modi Government has done in four years of its rule but the question is what it has done in small period of four years has not been done in 70 long years after independence. “I don’t think any district of India would have been so neglected by its past representatives as erstwhile Doda district was”, he added.
He said “there was no Post Office in village Gandoh till last year and it was sanctioned by our Government and now we are opening a KV there”.
Dr Jitendra Singh said the Kishtwar-Doda road was not renovated by previous Governments and it was in a dilapidated condition. It was because neither previous State Governments nor the public representatives took initiative in this regard, he added.
Now three bridges are being upgraded on this Highway as the National Hydel Projects Corporation has sent us a proposal to upgrade the bridges in view of reviving the abandoned power projects in the area.
He said Doda Medical College work was started by their Government. Two Medical Colleges are also being constructed at Kathua and Rajouri.
Seeking cooperation of youth, Dr Jitendra Singh said that 70 percent of people are below the age of 40 in this country and it is the new India of the aspirations of youth so they should come forward in extending full support in building the nation.
Earlier, while addressing a function in connection with celebration of Dr B R Ambedkar Jayanti as a social Justice Day, Dr Jitendra Singh along with Shakti Raj Parihar launched Gram Swaraj Abhiyan at Doda. He termed Dr Ambdekar a great visionary. Despite facing many odds this great man created a niche for himself in the world and he was considered sixth intellectual of the world at that time, he added.
He said that Prime Minister has issued directives to every Minister and MP to take the message of Dr Ambedkar to every nook and corner of the country. He said the Ministers have visited the different parts and Prime Minister himself visited Chhattisgarh by choosing such areas which are backward.
I preferred Doda because it represents composite culture and Doda is such a place where people belonging to all communities live in peace and harmony. He said Dr Ambedkar was such a personality who served his entire life for weaker sections .
Addressing the gathering Shakti Parihar said Dr Ambedkar worked for down-trodden people throughout his life. He appealed the gathering to take a solemn oath to complete his unfinished task.
Dr Jitendra Singh also announced fencing around the religious place from his MPLAD Fund and water supply pump for the shrine.
Addressing the function at Draman Parhiar accused the former Minister and opposition party of creating many impediments in the construction of the road to this far off and hilly area. But it was with the cooperation of both the communities that his designs were frustrated.
He said the development is possible only because of PM’s efforts whose mantra is Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas and BJP is committed to that. He alleged that this area has been ignored in development earlier but assured that all the roads in far-flung areas will be constructed in next three years. He said Doda district got Rs 200 crore for construction of roads under PMGSY.
He also highlighted various demands of the people of his constituency.
District president BJP Manjit Razdan and district general secretary, Swami Raj Sharma and other BJP leaders were also present in both the functions besides DDC and SSP Doda.