Separatists-Pak envoy meet: Talks under tricolour, Constitution are we

JAMMU : Ahead of Separatists’ meeting with Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit, BJP today said talks under the ambit of Tricolour and Constitution are welcomed. ‘In a democratic set up all those who want to hold dialogue for peace and resolution of various issues are welcomed but provided it should be held under the Tricolour and domain of Indian Constitution,” BJP MLA Ravinder Raina told reporters here outside the Assembly complex. He said the BJP was not against the dialogue but it should be held as per the Constitution vis-a-vis respecting the national flag.
Mr Basit will meet moderate Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umer Farooq in Delhi on Sunday and is expected to discuss ongoing efforts to bring back on track the stalled Indo-Pak dialogue process.
On revocation of Armed Forces Special Powers Act from the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the MLA said, ‘The state has seen bloodshed since decades and thousands of innocent people have died.
‘Indian Army is the saviour of the people in the state and
J&K being a ‘very sensitive’ state, no question arises of revoking the AFSPA,” he added.
The leader added that Army is the ‘necessity’ and revoking the Act will not be in the interest and welfare of the state and the nation as well.