Separatists see “terror” in VDCs

Shiban  Khaibri
Can separatists be sincere, if they have any grain thereof still left in them, to list out some of the acts of terror and bloodshed,   some of the members of the units of their conglomerate indulged in, since 1989-90 in Kashmir? Can they come out with the ways and means they have been employing to turn once very peaceful, serene, and developing Kashmir into conflict zone at the behest of a country which has sprung up from the sub- continent on August 14, 1947 on the basis of believing that the colour of blood varied from groups to groups in societies, if not strictly from man to man and hatred and religious bigotry were their articles of political faith. Yes, they turned Kashmir into what it is reduced to, now – a radicalized one to the hilt, where large number of peaceful people are purged on the basis of their extreme loyalty to and affection for their motherland, where frequent Hartals and shut downs coupled by protests and ding dong battles with the security forces are the itinerary of their political “engagements” . Agreed, people are economically quite well progressing there, education is as usual, the first priority of the people there, trade and commerce is flourishing thanks to ever increasing number of people  from the country under  conventional , religious and  adventurous  tourism as also foreign tourists but the fact remains that an element of suspicion, fear, uncertainty, unspecified tension is a part of the psyche of large number of peace loving  people there  for which Pakistan sponsored terrorism backed , supported and sustained by the separatists are responsible. Since limits have since been crossed, now people mostly the youth are feeling betrayed, misled and “wasted” by these separatists led by Pakistani hawk Syeed  Geelani and sporadic protests do take place now against Geelani and others.
That apart, one wonders as to how these Kashmiri separatist leaders can “see” terror and that also “real terror” in the Village Defence committees (VDCs). Last year end, these anti Indian elements staged protests in Srinagar raising Pro- Pakistan slogans demanding “immediate disbanding” of VDCs in Jammu region. They call it Government militia. The one among others who was leading the protest march “sympathized with Jammu Muslims”, this self styled leader said, “This militia has been created to terrorize the Muslim community in Pir Panchal and Chenab valleys…” He further alleged that these VDC members are the “real’ terrorists  patronized by the state and the Central Governments , being the members of the criminal and communal groups involved in arson, killings, loot , rape, abduction, thefts, etc but admitted that the state had registered criminal cases against the accused .
The fact of the matter is that in Samot village in Rajouri, a VDC   member Mushtaq Ahmed barged into the house of one Mohammad Din and killed his wife and son , the owner of the house is out of the country . Prior to this incident , three weeks back a similar incident of killing a National Conference youth leader  Ishtiaq   by a VDC member  Kewal  Kishen  with his service rifle in  Tehsil Kalakote  had stilled  the town. While causes of both the gruesome murders are under investigations, no one can justify violence and taking law into one’s own hands to settle personal grudges or scores and it would be in the fitness of things to get these guilty to face the rigors of the law of the land as early as possible. It is reiterated that violence and killings cannot be justified under any circumstances in a law abiding society in any civilized country. That , however, does not justify for any demand from any quarter to moot an idea , even remotely , citing one or two cases , to suggest disbanding of VDCs in this state where hardly any day passes  when  Pakistani  mercenaries  rather motivated terrorists do not engage themselves with our security forces  resulting in gun battles and ultimate elimination of these saboteurs whose mission is first to infiltrate and then to indulge in creating disturbances like killing, bombing and attacking installations. The circumstances under which and the dire need for what had the decision to create these village committees been taken and how much immediate and collateral damage has been prevented or frustrated by the members of these committees, need hardly any reiteration.
Some time back, a similar demand with political overtures had emerged from the valley and Syed Geelani had spoken his heart by terming these committees as “a threat to freedom movement”. So the opposition to these committees to contain radicalized terror  with intent to turn the  concerned  areas in Jammu division as hostile and anti India thus getting the Hurriyat secessionist movement broader by inclusion of the Jammu areas as well which are not toeing to the line of Hurriyat at all. Doda, Kishtwar, Rajouri, Poonch and other far flung areas where timely Police help in moments of emergency is out of question due to various factors, VDCs act as a deterrent force.  With setting up of these committees, many terror attacks were foiled while many were fought and successfully thwarted. It is ironical that Geelani should say that Jammu and Kashmir was converted into a jungle where “the VDC terrorists are roaming free.” Geelani in his advanced age should be realistic,  at least now,  to openly have strong views against  these terrorists who are attacking security forces, engaging them in gun battles, issuing diktats, spreading radical and fundamentalist ideology and even killing innocents in Kashmir and elsewhere. How can he term these criminal jihadis as something like “freedom fighters” and when getting killed “as martyrs” but when our own members of the armed forces who protect us including Geelani , get martyred fighting them to save our country and countrymen,  he either remains silent or beats about the bush parroting human rights violations by them.
If a member or two  resort to unlawful acts or there is somewhere a rare incident which the police promptly takes care of, that does not mean that the number of  VDCs need either to be reduced in size or disbanded altogether. We know the heroic deed of Rukhsana, who inspired hope in other women who used to be on constant prowl by these terrorists and exclusive women VDCs were set up in areas like Marah and Kulali in Poonch district. We cannot forget the massacre of 12 women and children in Katah in Poonch in 2010 and the basic defence system to be provided to the villages in far flung areas has been the necessity. VDC of Marah has turned out to be a role model for others. Looking to the terror threat perception always looming large, these VDC members are trained how to defend themselves from and thwart the terror attacks and are trained in elementary battle craft and field craft drills including stalking, crawling and firing practices. It is a scene worth seeing when women, mostly from Muslim families sporting rifles on their shoulders while grazing cattle in deep dense forests or keeping a vigil from their roof tops. These committees have worked wonders and the situation in their absence could disturb and   cause increasing concern to anyone of us hence the demand for limiting their size  or total disbanding would be irreversibly counter productive .
The state has rightly decided against any move to respond positively to the demand from any quarter to disband these VDCs looking to the constant threat perception from the terror groups as that would mean vulnerability of the vast population scattered over a large area , mostly hilly and remote ones, in Jammu division. Since Mufti Sahib, one of the most popular leaders of the state, and a known patriotic face in the country as its former Union Home Minister,  is unfortunately no more and shortly a new Government of the PDP  and  the BJP  coalition shall be in the saddle of  power in the state, it is expected that the decision taken by the Mufti Government  in rejecting the demand of the separatists and some NC leaders in disbanding these VDCs shall not only be enforced in letter and spirit but they shall, on the contrary, be  strengthened while those very  few with criminal record must be dealt with legally. We cannot believe our belligerent neighbour to behave as a civilized nation , based on our experience right from Qabayli attack in 1947 till date , Pathankot terror attack being the recent evidence despite our Prime Minister walking extra mile(s) in stretching hands of friendship with Pakistan in spite of our  suffering for 30 years as a victim of its proxy war, hence it is ludicrous and mischievous on the part of separatists to “see” terror in VDCs and not “feel ” this terror in proxy aggression against us launched by their mentors , the terror manufacturing  Pakistan. Does the axiom not wholly apply to them that “to  a  jaundiced eye, everything looks yellow ?”