Set them free

Mamta Charak and Ritika Gupta
Human trafficking involves one person controlling another and exploiting him or her for work. Human trafficking doesn’t discriminate on the basis of race, age, gender, or religion. Anyone can be a victim. Most of the human trafficking victims in the world are female and under  18, but men and older adults can be trafficking victims too. Victims of human trafficking are frequently lured by false promises of a lucrative job, stability, education, or a loving relationship. Victims face many challenges in accessing help. Their traffickers may confiscate their identification documents and money. They may not speak English or local language of that area.They may not know where they are, because they have been moved frequently. They are often not allowed to communicate with family or friends. And they may have trouble trusting others, due to their traffickers’ manipulation and control tactics. Traffickers lure and ensnare people into forced labor and sex trafficking by manipulating and exploiting their vulnerabilities. Traffickers promise a high-paying job, a loving relationship, or new and exciting opportunities. In other cases, they may kidnap victims or use physical violence or substance abuse to control them. Often the traffickers and their victims share the same national, ethnic, or cultural background ,allowing the trafficker to better understand and exploit the vulnerabilities of their victims. Their common thread is a willingness to exploit other human beings for profit. Anyone could be the victims of trafficking. But of course we can prevent that to happen. Spread the word and help raise awareness in our society about human trafficking. We are lucky we still live in a safe environment with people we love and be able to do what we want to do. Take a part of making a better place to live. I’m sure we all don’t want to live in a world where slavery and human trafficking still happen to our fellow friends. I’m sure we all want to see them put a happy smile on their face again without the fear of being abused or even killed. The moment you decided to care, it’s the moment this world becomes a better place to live in. The solution is very simple. “That which we are looking for was, is and always will be within inside of us”. Even human traffickers crave peace, but they are so out of touch with their own heart that they completely miss the point of their lives and spread their dis-ease to others around them. We  all have good and bad within us, so let’s all of us keep choosing the joy of life every day and let’s spread that to those around us.
At last we want to plead about the victims by a means of poem hope u all liked it
the human trafficker sells your body , sells your soul
they keep you under their control.
to them you are just a piece of meat
for humanity to sit and eat.
the younger the victim the easier to control
by the time they’re teens- their spirit is cold.
no longer do they have the will to fight
it’s become their way of life.
they never had a childhood or a family to love
or to even know what love’s about
for their hearts and minds have been turned inside out.
fear is the only thing they know
and in their face it will show.
many are bought and put on the streets
if they don’t meet their  quota – they don’t eat.
then there are those who are sold privatly
those are the ones that you never see.
most are girls – but there are boys
and they’re all used as sexual toys.
we have to let all countries know
human trafficking has got to go.