Settle Pandits in 3 erstwhile districts of Valley: KPS

KP Sabha representatives submitting a memorandum to LG Manoj Sinha at Jammu.
KP Sabha representatives submitting a memorandum to LG Manoj Sinha at Jammu.

Memorandum submitted to LG

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 10: The Kashmiri Pandit Sabha (KPS) while expressing its satisfaction over the commendable initiatives taken by the Union and Union Territory Governments in the recent past to normalize the situation in Kashmir Valley, gave all credit to both the Governments for choking the illegal Hawala funding to terrorists and their supporters.
The Sabha representatives who met Lt Governor, Manoj Sinha here put on record that the present dispensation both in UT and Delhi have taken many proactive measures to break the back of terrorism and reduced it to skeleton.
The delegation was led by KP Sabha president, K K Khosa and it submitted a memorandum highlighting the demands of displaced Pandits to him.
The memorandum said ever since Narendra Modi led Government came to power in May 2014, the hopes of Community for an early return to the land of its forefathers soared high. The Sabha was pleased when the Government of India initiated the process to build colonies to resettle the displaced community in the Valley, it added.
Stressing on early return it said any further delay in ensuring return and rehabilitation in the Valley will prove detrimental to the interests of distinct cultural identity of KPs which needs to be preserved at all cost.
It appealed the Government that settlements be set-up in the three erstwhile district headquarters of the Kashmir Valley, namely Srinagar, Baramulla and Anantnag which should be equipped with all kinds of basic amenities and fool-proof security to infuse sense of safety.
The Sabha demanded launching of, yet another special recruitment drive for the community so that more deserving youth are employed as the community is struggling hard with the unemployment of over-aged youth.
Further the members of community be compensated for the left over property loss, it added.
The buildings in the Jagti Township (Jammu) and other transit camps have deteriorated and they should be renovated immediately.
Moreover the relief components received by the displaced KPs, particularly the quantum of dry ration issued every month, for past three decades should not be tinkered with till the community returns to the Valley.
The community be compensated for the losses suffered due to torching of houses and other immovable property and balance amount of ex-gratia in some cases be also released.
The memorandum demanded implementation of Distress Sale Act 1997 in letter and spirit. The Sabha assured full cooperation in Government’s move for honourable and dignified rehabilitation of the displaced community.
The delegation comprised of Deepak Dhar, S L Bhagati, Prof R L Ganjoo, Jitender Parimoo, Ashok Kher, Asha Kitchloo and Dr Sujata Sathoo.