Several structures, hoardings removed during anti-encroachment drive in Jammu

An illegal pavement being dismantled in Gujjar Nagar area of the city on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
An illegal pavement being dismantled in Gujjar Nagar area of the city on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Shopkeepers resist Govt action; call it ‘illegal,’ ‘unjustified’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 31: In a significant move to tackle congestion and reclaim public spaces, a massive anti-encroachment drive was executed today in the most densely populated pockets of the city.
The operation, led by ADC (Law & Order) Jammu, Ansuya Jamwal, targeted illegal structures, pavements, and hoardings that hindered the smooth flow of traffic.
Despite resistance from traders and shopkeepers along the route, a robust police presence thwarted attempts to disrupt the government’s actions.
The joint effort involved personnel and resources from the Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC), Jammu and Kashmir Police, and Civil Administration.
The operation commenced in the Gujjar Nagar area, where numerous illegal structures and articles encroaching on public space were either seized or removed. Warning notices were issued to the owners, cautioning them against future violations.
ADC Law and Order, Ansuya Jamwal, briefed the media, revealing that the drive to de-congest Jammu’s roads had been initiated a month ago.

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As part of the ongoing efforts, she said JMC vans had been issuing repeated warnings to traders and shopkeepers, urging them to cease encroaching on public property.
“Today,” ADC Jamwal stated, “we evaluated the impact of these warnings. While some have voluntarily complied and removed their structures, those who did not comply faced the consequences, with their illegal properties confiscated to enhance the aesthetic appeal of our city.”
Jamwal appealed for cooperation from the public, emphasizing that active involvement from traders, shopkeepers, and vendors was crucial. She urged them to proactively dismantle illegal structures, reducing reliance on law enforcement for such tasks.
Later, the drive proceeded to City Chowk and Super Bazar areas of the Old City, where some resistance was encountered. Shopkeepers voiced their discontent, labeling the Government’s actions as “unjust” and accusing authorities of unnecessary harassment.
ADC Law & Order, Ansuya Jamwal, addressed the concerns, emphasizing that the drive aimed to de-congest city roads, benefiting both residents and businesses.
Police officers accompanying her ensured that the situation remained peaceful, preventing any attempts to disrupt law and order.