Security forces launch CASO in south Kashmir

SRINAGAR: Security forces on Sunday launched a massive Cordoned and Search Operation (CASO) in south Kashmir district of Pulwama, where five CRPF personnel were martyred after Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) fidayeen stormed into their camp on Sunday last.
All the three fidayeen were also killed in the 36-hour-long encounter in the camp.
Official sources said that security forces and Special Operation Group (SOG) of Jammu and Kashmir police launched a search operation in Koil area in Pulwama district of south valley following a tip off about the presence of militants.
Though the entire area was sealed by security forces in the wee hours early this morning, search operation was launched only on Sunday with the first light.
All exit points have been sealed and security forces are conducting house to house searches. So far no one was arrested, they said adding security forces were checking identity cards of male members before allowing them to go. It is reported that due to recent snowfall in upper reaches, militants hiding in the woods, have come down in the villages.