Shaheen cautions BJP against attempts to repeal Art 35-A

Excelsior Correspondent

BANIHAL, Mar 5: National Conference today staged a protest in Banihal against the overt and covert attempts being made by the BJP to repeal Article 35 -A to deprive the people of Jammu and Kashmir of their legitimate rights guaranteed in the Constitution of India.
Party leader and District president Ramban, Sajjad Shaheen while addressing a well attended gathering of the party functionaries and office bearers during the day long workers meeting in the party office later today, said that any tinkering with this special provision will be fought tooth and nail by the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, as such a move can jeopradise their economic interests, deprive youth of their share in jobs among other things.
He said this constitutional guarantee is the manifestation of state-subject laws enacted by Maharaja Hari Singh in 1923 and a long drawn struggle launched by the Sher-e-Kashmir, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah.
Reiterating the stand of National Conference on Article 35 A, the District President said this is a formidable bridge between the State and Union of India, which had been incorporated in the Constitution after due thought.
While cautioning BJP against any misadventure in this regard, Shaheen said that impairing this provision will amount to weakening of the strong bonds between the state and the country.
Shaheen also expressed dismay over Government’s decision of banning Jamaat-e-Islami in Jammu and Kashmir saying suppression breeds radicalization and said that banning JeI, the Government will achieve nothing but giving it a dissident glamour.