Shakespeare’s Julies Caesar in Dogri

O P Sharma
The book under review entitled “Shakespeare Da Julius Caesar” is the translation of legendary English dramatist’s famous theatre play ” Julius Caesar” into Dogri by an eminent writer  Madan Gopal Padha. This a creative translation work which has brought the classic work of William Shakespeare to the wide Dogri readership and it is also expected that now this play will be staged.
The book has been written by the author after a hard labour and research work and has been published on the eve of 450th Birth Anniversary of greatest English writer and playwright, William Shakespeare who was born on April 23, 1561 at village Stratford-on-Avon in England and since it is situated on the river Avon and so the village is having Avon with it just as Jammu city situated on bank of river Tawi is known as Jammu Tawi.
Classic Drama
William Shakespeare’s  most outstanding dramas are: Julius Casesar (1599), As you like it (1600) Hamlet (1601), Othello (1604), King Lear (1605), Macbeth (1606), The Tempest (1611) and many other outstanding works which are classics of the English literatures.
Mr. Padha had been student of English language under the able guidance of late Dr. Laxmi Narain Sharma who kindled in him deep interest in the English literature and particularly the famous dramas of tallest English writer William Shakespeare. It was in that period that Madan Gopal Padha had dreamed to translate Julius Caesar into the mother tongue, Dogri. It may be added that Dr. Laxmi Narain Sharma was highly knowledgeable of English literature and was equally versatile in Dogri language and its literature.
Creative Translation
In writing this book in Dogri, Mr. Padha told me that his dream of student days has been realised  after retirement from the banking service, he has now completed this task. This book has added new dimensions to Dogri language. He felt proud that he has translated the most interesting and informative Shakespeare’s drama for wider Dogri readership and the audience. He has dedicated this work to Prof. Laxmi Narain Sharma and also to the Dogri language.
Shakespeare’s often-quoted words are:
All the world’s a stage
And all the men and women merely players.
The play Julius Caesar is a classic drama of English literature which will be now available to the Dogri knowing people. It is a mirror to the social, political, cultural conditions in the Britain and revolves around a fascinating story with real-life characters. The language in the drama is superb and its themes are universal appeal. The stage and setting are unique and are characteristic of English life of that period. The book has the entire drama in the Dogri language which is absorbing and one likes to read it in a single sitting.
Universal Appeal
The translation work is of quality and its printing is also impressive. Mr. Padha has already brought out a book in Dogri titled Shisha having informative essays of interest for many readers. This book is a solid contribution of Madan Gopal Padha to the Dogri language and its literature. He was in the Banking service and after retirement is completely devoted to the promotion of sweet Dogri language. He is committed and prominent member of the Dogri Sanstha, the pioneer organisation for promotion and projection of Dogri language and Duggar’s culture. Mr. Padha is now having his hand on another publication which will be  of essays in Dogri.
This 187-page book has already created an impact in the literary circles. This well-written book will be of much interest for the academician, students, theater groups and also the common citizens.
(Starline Syndicate Service)