Sham takes stock of healths projects

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR May 29: Minister for Health, Horticulture & Floriculture, Sham Lal Sharma today conducted an extensive tour of Kulgam and Anantnag districts of south Kashmir and took stock of the health services.
He also inspected the functioning of District Hospitals, Anantnag, Kulgam, Maternity and Child Hospital, Anantnag, SDH, Bijbehara, PHCs Awantipora and Devsar. He also took stock of various under construction health projects in these two districts and directed the executing agencies to speed up the pace of work and complete them in a time bound manner.
While inspecting the under construction project of District Hospital, Anantnag, the Minister expressed his displeasure over the slow pace of progress and issued instructions to the concerned authorities for immediate suspension of concerned AEE, JKPCC incharge of the project for providing wrong information about the project. He directed the agency to speed up the pace of work and achieve the targets within the stipulated time frame.
Similarly, while inspecting the site for construction of Trauma Hospital, Bijbehara, the Minister directed for immediate taking up the execution work. He said the Government has already earmarked the required funds for the purpose.
While interacting with the doctors and paramedics at Anantnag, the Minister directed them to provide best medicare to the people. He said it is endeavor of the Government to ensure best health facilities to the people across the State and during the past some years several steps in this direction have been taken. He said health is core area and fundamental right of everyone and all out efforts are being made to upgrade the existing health infrastructure, he added.
While interacting with the locals at Awantipora, the Minister announced upgradation of existing Primary Health Centre to an emergency hospital in view of increased patient load as also to tackle emergencies occurring due to accidents on the National Highway. He also assured the locals that their demands like upgradation of schools, augmentation of drinking water scenario, road connectivity will be taken up with appropriate authorities for necessary action.
The Minister also inspected the Walnut Grading Unit at Qazigund which has not been used for some years due to various reasons and the building was under the occupation of para-military forces. He directed the Managing Director, JKHPMC to move out a proposal for its revival.
Earlier, the Minister paid visit to famous ancient shrine of Mata Tripur Sundri at Devsar in Kulgam and offered special prayers there. He also participated in the hawan and Poorna Ahooti organized by the shrine Committee on the auspicious occasion of Ashtami and Mela Kheer Bhawani. He prayed for the peace and prosperity of people of Jammu and Kashmir.