Sharath, Vishal lose in Asian Games Karate

JAKARTA : India’s campaign in the Asian Games karate ended today with Jayendran Sharath Kumar and Vishal losing their respective contests here.
While Kumar suffered a 0-1 defeat against South Korea’s Kim Muil in men’s 75kg first round, Vishal was thrashed 0-8 by Uzbekistan’s Akhatov Shakhboz in the 84kg quarterfinal here.
Kumar lost the contest after Kim scored a Yuko, while Akhatov scored an Ippon over Vishal.
In karate, Yuko, which carries one point, is awarded for Chudan (middle punch) or Jodan Tsuki (face punch), while one receives three points for Ippon, which is awarded for Jodan kicks (face kicks) and any scoring technique delivered on a thrown or fallen opponent.
India fielded only two competitors in karate and their campaign ended in just one day. (AGENCIES)