Share of women in business

Undoubtedly, we have travelled a lot, though much treading is required to have women participate in every sphere of life in our country. They possess exemplary fortitude, efficiency, dedication and urge to perform in every sphere of activity; from education to literature, from art and craft to science and medicine, from technology to aeronautics, from self employed entrepreneurship to head financial institutions, from policing to armed forces, from politics to governance, from sports to martial arts and the like. With their performance, they have proved incredulousness nursed in many quarters, in the male dominated society, in respect of their dexterity and promise as false and flawed and in most of the cases, they have showed their mettle and continue to excel in respective fields.
Having said so, a change in the mindset is still needed in that the truism of share and share alike must be a rule rather than exception when it comes to their partaking in business. Do they enjoy their due in business and commerce? Are there reasonably sufficient gender sensitive supply chains in respect of business and commerce fields? Have any surveys been conducted and data released periodically as to how much is their contribution towards the country’s GDP? These and many allied questions need to be answered and President Ram Nath Kovind has dealt with questions related to the participation and the due share in the country’s business in respect of the Indian women.
Women constitute half our country and they contribute to our economy at work and at home in many diverse ways.  When it comes to business activities, they have not been given their due.  We need to create conditions for more and more of our daughters and sisters to come into the workforce. There must be efforts to ensure appropriate, encouraging and safe conditions at home, in society and at the work place to enhance the percentage of working women. The President of India stressed upon these vital issues concerning the due share of Indian women in the business activities, while delivering the keynote address at the annual session of FICCI Ladies Organization (FLO) in New Delhi.
The President advised that the Corporate Sector must take determined steps towards creating women friendly and gender sensitive supply chains to empower women in our economy rather than just accommodate them. The household incomes would rise and our GDP would get a fillip in case more women became part of the workforce. Like this, President Ram Nath Kovind said, “we are going to become a more prosperous nation and more importantly, we will become a more equal society.”
The President said that the Government has taken decisive steps to promote a culture of enterprise among ordinary citizens, especially women. The “Stand Up India” initiative was launched in April 2016 to encourage entrepreneurship among women, SCs and STs.
Small shops, dairies, indirect agricultural activities, weaving embroidery(ing), potteries, pickle -pappad – tiny cottage entities, beauty parlours, fashion designing, readymade garments and drapes, tuition and tutorials etc are some of the specialities in which women from rural and semi – urban areas take part and emerge successful by dint of their dedication and hard work. The need is to expand these conventional or a few non conventional enterprises to more challenging but with good dividends like manufacturing, exporting and entrepreneurship in medium and large scale industries, consultations and specializations and the like.  The advice of the President needs to be heeded to in the right earnest and more steps needed to be taken in the captioned matter.