NEW DELHI: Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Sunday alleged that former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Sheikh Abdullah had illegally detained Jan Sangh founder Syama Prasad Mookerjee for 44 days in a jail in his State in 1953.
Delivering a talk here to commemorate the death anniversary of Mookerjee, the BJP MP narrated the sequence of events that ended in alleged illegally detention of Mookerjee.
He said Mookerjee, a member of parliament at that time, had sent a telegram to Sheikh Abdullah informing him about his desire and plan to visit the State.
Singh said, if Mookerjee’s only guilt was that he was trying to enter Jammu and Kashmir without a proper permit, the natural course of justice would have been to repatriate him to Punjab, from where he had started his journey, or prevent him from entering into the territory of J-K.
The Sheikh Government, on the contrary, he said, acted in haste as if it was waiting to arrest Mookerjee and put him behind the bars. (AGENCIES)