Shifting City Chowk Girls’ School unfortunate: Vikram

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU,  Dec 12:   Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC)  general secretary,  Vikram Malhotra has expressed serious concern over the shifting of  Govt Girls High School, City Chowk Jammu for creating car parking and described this move as most unfortunate on the part of State Government.
Malhotra was speaking in a meeting of Congress workers of Ward No. 7 of Jammu East Constituency today.  He said that closing of Govt School in the middle of academic session without making adequate arrangements  can not be described  a wise decision. It has created uncertainty in the minds of students  studying there. The Govt should have waited till the end of academic year i.e March-April 2017.
He questioned  MoS Education and local MLA, why they are mum over such issues of public concern and why they did not react over the closing of  a  Govt School in the middle of session, since both  represent the same constituency.
Malhotra added,  it was total high headedness on the part of the District Administration as the Jammu Administration was behaving in a very authoritarian and arrogant manner, while dealing with such a sensitive issue that involves life and future of several girl students.
On one hand when Narendra Modi is raising the slogan of ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’, the State  Govt is  dismantling a  Girls  High School to make way for parking.
He observed that it was astonishing how without any prior notice the School was closed down and the poor and marginalized parents and students were left in the lurch.
The whole explanation given by the administration that the school was being shifted as a part of the  rationalization is a  farce and it is just being done to please their political bosses, Mr Malhotra added.
PCC leader termed this decision a most unfortunate  and demanded that the  Govt High School City Chowk should not be shifted at this juncture. Malhotra also distributed Active members cards among the Congress workers of Mohalla Kanji House, Prem Nagar and Christian Colony. Thomas Khokhar, Michal Wazir, Rakesh Badyal and Vishal Gupta were also present.