Shopian – Unravelling fabricated rape and murder

Shopian - Unravelling fabricated rape and murder

The Jammu and Kashmir administration has terminated the services of two doctors in the Government for colluding with Pakistan-based terror groups and tampering with evidence related to the deaths of two women, Asiya Jan and Neelofar, in Shopian. These doctors were involved in falsely claiming that the women were raped and murdered by security personnel, which led to a period of unrest lasting seven months in 2009. In a shocking revelation, it has been uncovered that a group consisting of doctors, lawyers, and other individuals conspired together. This collaboration aimed to deceive and manipulate the justice system for their ulterior motives. The extent of their conspiracy is both alarming and disturbing. The incident had a profound and devastating impact on the entire Kashmir valley, bringing it to a standstill. It resulted in significant loss of life, widespread destruction, and severe economic losses. This case serves as a sombre reminder of how Pakistan’s proxies operated in Jammu and Kashmir, manipulating situations for their agenda. It also sheds light on the role of certain politicians and administration officials who, knowingly or unknowingly, became pawns in their hands. This incident jeopardised the careers of numerous policemen who were implicated and faced serious consequences as a result. Their professional lives were put at stake due to the allegations and subsequent investigations surrounding the incident. The fallout from this event had far-reaching implications, not only affecting the individuals directly involved but also casting a shadow over the reputation and morale of the entire police force. It serves as a reminder of the importance of ensuring justice and fairness in handling such sensitive cases to safeguard the careers and integrity of law enforcement personnel.
In the new Jammu and Kashmir, there is no tolerance for subversive elements within official circles. The administration is committed to ensuring that individuals involved in such activities are identified and appropriately dealt with. This strong stance emphasises the importance of upholding law, order, and integrity in the region.