Shor in the city

This is to draw the attention of people to the excessive use of horns on the roads of Jammu city. It seems that this Dogra city is now losing its sweetness.
People show zero tolerance level to any fellow vehicle which comes in front of them, even just for a nanosecond. Instead of showing some patience and civic sense they uselessly start blowing horns.
This high level of noise pollution not only creates nuisance and chaos on roads, but also is a cause of serious health issues like psychological problem, cardiovascular diseases, hearing problem etc.
It is high time the Traffic Department pays some attention towards this problem of the Jammu city. Drivers should be educated about minimal use of horns, as it should only be used when needed.
Also those who don’t show compliance should be heavily fined. Let’s hope one day the serenity of Jammu city will come back.
Yours etc…..
IIMC, Jammu