Shri Krishna Janamashtmi

Capt Purushottam Sharma
“Ajo’pi Sannavyayatma Bhutanamis Varopi San
Prakrtim Svamadhisthaya Sambhavamyatmamayaya’’ – Srimad Bhagwat Gita 6/IV
‘Though birth-less and deathless, and the Lord of all beings, I manifest Myself through My own Yogamaya (Divine Potency), keeping My Nature (Prakriti) under control.’
“Ihaikastham Jagatkrtsnam Pasyadya Sacaracaram
Mama Dehe Gudakesa Yaccanyaddrastumicchasi’’. Srimad Bhagwant Gita 7/XI
‘Arjuna, beholds as concentrated within this body of Mine the entire creation consisting of both animate and inanimate beings, and whatever else you desire to see’.
Krishna, the 8th incarnation of Vishnu, was born at Mathura to Devki and Vasudeva on the midnight of 8th day of waning moon of auspicious month of Shravana (falling in August- September) under Rohini Nakshtra more than five thousand years at the fag end of Dwapura Yuga when his parents were held in heavily guarded confinement of Kansa who was demon Kalnemi in his earlier birth during Rama Avtaar. Kansa was the wicked and cruel king who had let loose a reign of terror after dethroning his father Uggarsen.
Newly weds, Vasudev and Devki were traveling in a chariot driver by Kansa. A loud voice from the skies addressed to the Kansa revealing that the eighth child to be born to the couple boarding the chariot will be his killer. Kansa was frightened to hear this revelation and drew his sword to slay Devki. Vasudeva beseeched to Kansa to spare Devki on his earnest assurance that he will deliver every infant to him (Kansa) that was born to her. Kamsa put the newly wedded couple in confinement and every infant born to Devki was handed over to Kansa. But the eighth child born to Devki at midnight was Lord Vishnu Himself. At that very time, the guards fell asleep, the locked apartment flung open. Vasudeva wrapped the baby in a piece of cloth and carried it in a basket. The large and deep River Yamuna which was in spate during this monsoon month receded to knee-deep waters on the sheer touch of the Divine child’s feet and afforded all facilities to cross it. Nanda was a herdsman of Gokula. His wife Yashoda, too had given birth to a female child. Vasudeva left Devki’s child with Yashoda and rushed back with her child to prison-cell. No sooner Vasudeva re-entered the prison-home, the doors closed and were locked automatically as if nothing had happened. The cry of a child was heard by the guards and news of birth of much-awaited eighth child was conveyed to the king. The king Kansa rushed into the room, held the child in his hand and dashed it against a stone. Instantaneously, the baby rose into the sky like flash, turned into a mighty figure of eight-arms with formidable weapons in her hands. Laughingly, it addressed Kansa saying that it was of no avail to kill her for his killer had already born. The voice also revealed that the same God had killed him in the previous birth too.
This episode frustrated Kansa further and got killed all such young infants as displayed unique signs of excellence and strengh . Kansa made several attempts to kill child Krishna but all fell in vain. In turn, Kansa was himself killed at the hand’s of Krishna whom the King had invited to witness a wrestling game.To kill Kansa, Krishna pulled him down from the dais and tore into pieces thus emancipated the subject from the cruelties of their wicked king.
Krishna is love personified. He is the Lord of the Universe, the Creator, the Sustainer and the Destroyer. Darling of His billions of his devotees and that of Radha, Meera, Chaitanya, Soordass, Haridassa, Sudama, He was ‘Pooran Avtara’, ‘Leela Purushottama’. In one yawn, he had shown the glimpse of the Universe (14 worlds) to Yashoda, Viratswaroopa to Arjuna, raised Goverdhana on His little finger to protect Gukula from heavy downpours caused by annoyance of Indra, provided inexhaustible cloth to Droupadi when being humiliated in the court of Duryodhana, brought back to life the son of His Guru Sandeepini.
The sweet sound of His flute was heart-stirring and allured men, women, children, birds and even inanimate objects. He was great musician who imparted lessons in playing Veena to Narada. As a Gopala (care-taker of cows), He performed many miracles and brought joys and happiness to His companion-cow-herd-boys and the animals. He often loosened the tethered calves and have their mother’s milk to their fill which caused anger to Yashoda and Gopikas. He is ‘Navneet Chor’ (butter stealer) and pot breaker. Narration of Krishan-Leela (His Divine Plays) is like counting drops of ocean and cannot be recorded even in sumptuous volumes.
Vishnu, Brahm, Agni, Padma, Brahm-Vaivarat and Bhagwat Puranas are full of Shri Krishna’s life, activities and of worship to Him. Of all works of Sage Vyasa, Srimad Bhagwata is the most magnificent that had brought equanimity and solace to the stirring mind of the Sage. An Eternal guide of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence, this sacred classic is the most-esteemed that sings the glories of the Beloved Lord of the Universe, enlightens and inspires Devotion (Bhakti), Discrimination (Viveka), Dispassion (Vairagya) and Discipline (Anushashna) for fulfillment of ultimate aim of God-Realization. Krishna is an un-matching warrior, teacher, statesman and Lord of Yogis. He is an ‘Adarsha Purusha’ (an ideal person) and an ideal house-holder too. Saint Soordasa called Krishan ‘mischievous child’ who is seated in his heart and is his sole care-taker. Krishna blessed Soordasa with third eye.
Sri Krishna Janamashtmi is the most auspicious festival during which Devotees sing glories of Krishna, make prayers, meditate on His image, observe fast to purify, decorate temples, house and streets, listen to discourses of learned ‘pandits’ (persons of wisdom), read Srimand Bhagwat and Srimad Bhagwat Gita and pledge to follow His teachings. At night His statue/image is given bath, dressed with new clothes and put in a cradle. Swinging of Divine cradle is affectionately carried out by one and all as if a child has taken birth in the house of the devotees. After the celebration of birth of Lord, the ‘prasad’ (holy puddings/fruits etc.) are offered to the Lord and fast is broken. Handi-breaking is also part of celebration of this festival. Srimad Bhagwad Gita is one of the greatest Universal Classic of unparallel Excellence, a ‘sambad’ (conversation) between the Lord and His Disciple Arjuna. This celestial song of seven hundred verses running into eighteen chapters has been translated in almost all the major languages of the world and is benefitting the people in all respects to lead an ideal life and seek Self-Realization.
Deeply in Divine Love, His Devotees call their all-permeating Lord Antaryamin, Bansibala, Chitchora, Bankebehari, Dwarka-dheesha, Dwar-Kanatha, Devki-Nandana, Gridhara, Gopala, Janardhana, Kanha, Keshva, Mohana, Madana, Madhava, Madhusoodna, Murlidhara, Makhan-chora, Murari, Chakra-dhari, Nanda- Lala, Yadhu-nandna, Yogeshwara and by many other names they wish to derive ectasy and Bliss.