Shrine of Baba Kailakhdev Ji

Rohit Shastri
It is believedthat all Naag Devtas (snakes) in Jammu region belong to family of Vasuki Naag. There is detailed explanation in the ancient Dogra history about Vasukinaag. Kai Dev, Bhaid Dev, Chorasoo Dev, Kalsoo Dev, Loonsoo Dev, Dhansar Dev, Mansar Dev, Chilk Dev, Milk Dev, Surgal Dev, are believed to be sons and grand sons of Vasukinaag. The elder son is Kai Dev and youngest among them is Bhaid Devta. Vasuki Naag belongs to Kshyatriya community. These Naag are Ishadhari (change its form). It is the because of this ability that they assume different shapes and have capacity to move in water, sky and on the land.
There is a famous story about the origin of Vasuki Naag in Jammu region
The legend goes that once Vasuki Naag suffered from skin disease and he called the services to vaid (doctor) of the region. He told Vasuki Naag that if some body brought river from Kailash Parvat and you take bath in that river you(bawaji) will be cured. The Vasuki Naag called the assembly of all Ashtkuli (Naag) snakes and told them that if any body from you can bring river from Kailash, he will be given Jammu state in reward.
The youngest son of the Vasuki Naag (BhaidDevta) brought river Tawi with him in Jammu region, and as reward he received Jammu State. On the other hand, eldest son of the Vasuki Naag Kai Dev who was carrying pious water in a vassel and was expecting to reach first, came to know that river Tawi is already flowing in Jammu.Kai Naag turned furious and in order to cool down his anger the Vasuki Naag permitted his son Kaidev to bring another river . He brought with him Chander Bhaga (Chenab) Kai Dev established his existence forcibly over northern state of Jammu and Bhaid Dev was given southern Jammu region.
It is very well mention in folk songs of Jammu.
“Jammua da Tikka Bhaid GiMeliya,
Akhnoor da Kai.
VichTawi de BhaidBasda,
Akhnoor Basda Kai.
Vich Jamua Mitha Peer Basda,
Bavey Kalka Mai.”
When Vasuki Naag’s family was divided into two he felt deep sorrow. It is oftenly heard in Dogri Kark (phari songs) Chat.
Jammu Da Tikka Bhaidgimeliya
Te Akhnoor Da Raja Kai.
Vandi Dita a raaj Jammua da, Vasuki
Akhiyana Pao Duaie.
The other sons and grandsons of lord Vasuki Naag like Sujan Dev, Milk Dev, Chal Dev and Surgal Dev started living in Samba. The Bawa Kailakh Dev also belongs to this family and his abode is in village Thather, Raipur, Domana while Tulhan Dev are resides in Kashmir.
Bawa Kailakh Devji There is an interesting story about the origin of Bawa Kailakh Devji. When the Jammu region was divided between kaidev and Bhaid Dev, Kailakh Dev took rest here in the village Thathar Bantalab Jammu. When Bawaji started living here, there was dense forest and some boys of Seth community used to graze cows here. Bawaji and boys from Seth community used to play kabbadi here. With the passage of time these boys started narrating about this boy to their tribes. They told that a handsome boy plays kabbadi with them and his team never loses game and he is very powerful. The chief and elders of Seth tribe got suspicious about this boy. They thought that he might be spoy of other tribes community, who could cause loss to the animal stock of their tribes. It was decided that soldiers of Seth community will arrest this boy. On next day, at the end of play the soliders of Seth community arrested Bawaji but all of a sudden Bawaji disappeared. At this development all were astonished.
When Bawaji disappeared from the spot, suddenly a sound was heard in the sky (akashwani) that “I am Kailakh Dev and I am son of VasukiNaag. I had to appear in Raipur village but you people have to give me place here and have to gift me this place. This place shall not be cultivated by any body, and nobody shall raise his claim over this land. That Seth Baradari shall treat me their Kuldevta and they shall worship me”. Hearing this voice, they agreed to his demands. The Rakwal community gifted the land where Baba Kailkh Devji appeared in present form at Thather Bantalab Jammu.
The idol has been established on the spot in the form of (mohra) from where the Bawa Kailakh Devji had disappeared. The Seth Biradari worship Bawaji and take care of this place (Kulsthan) for the last so many centuries and this place is properly looked after by Seth community.
It is worthwhile to mention here that the muslim community of Jammu region also worship Bawa Kailakhdevji,this community offers milk of their milch animals to Bawa Kailakhdevji upto eleven days whenever any milch animal give birth to sibblings.
(The author is mahant of Bawa Kailakh dev Ji)