Shun old courses, embrace modern ones: CM Yogi to tech institutes

GORAKHPUR (UP), Sep 26: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath today advised technical institutes to leave old courses and embrace the modern ones, saying technology should be used for nation building and public welfare.

He also attributed the reduction in cyber crime cases to establishment of dedicated police stations.

“Till 2017, there were only two cyber police stations in Uttar Pradesh. However, now there is a cyber police station and a cyber help desk in each district of the state. Due to this, cyber crime has significantly reduced,” the chief minister said.

“Technical institutes should leave old courses and embrace the modern ones. Today is the era of technology, it should be used for national building and welfare,” he said after inaugurating Madan Mohan Malviya University of Technology’s state-of-the-art administrative building built at a cost of Rs 12 crore.

Adityanath said it is the responsibility of universities and technical institutes to enter into memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with cyber police stations for technical cooperation. The Gorakhpur Zone Police has taken a proactive step in this regard by signing an MoU with the Madan Mohan Malviya University of Technology, he added.

Stating that the country’s largest data centre is in Uttar Pradesh, he said the state’s technical institutes should establish connections with it.

“Prior to 2017, the state was at number 14 in ‘ease of doing business’, but significant improvements were made by introducing the Nivesh Mitra single-window portal. In addition, the administrative system was compelled to implement reforms by utilising technology more effectively. As a result, the state now ranks second in the country in ‘ease of doing business’,” he said.

The chief minister asserted that digital payment has revolutionised the life of every citizen by bringing a corruption-free system. With the largest youth population in the country, the state’s youths have benefitted immensely from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visionary Digital India initiative.

He highlighted that schemes such as Startup India, Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana, One District One Product, and the Mukhyamatri Swarojgar Yojana have brought about substantial changes in the lives of the youths of Uttar Pradesh.

More than 500 buyers from around 60 countries and over 2,000 exhibitors participated in the UP International Trade Show held in Greater Noida from September 21 to 25.

“The event showcased the state’s innovation and potential to the world. The trade show’s success was evident as approximately four lakh individuals visited and shopped at the event,” he added. (PTI)