Shyness an unheard power

Mehak Gupta Grover
Being shy is not a shameful thing- is not an insult. Infact introverts and socially timid may make better bosses, learn faster and even be more emotionally mature than their louder mouthed counterparts. Most shy people are modest, they are the last ones to announce their accomplishments or let the world know how great they are.
Shyness doesn’t mean that people are anti-social, they are selectively social and enjoy small groups. When I was young, I was tongue tied and very shy. It was terribly painful for not being part of the group; but it gave me the ability to be more observant, a listener and a watcher. While growing up, I used to hear- ” You are so shy! Why are you so bashful?” Youth conferences used to make me uncomfortable because there used to be so many new people. I used to know the answers in the class but never had the courage to raise my hand. There was a phobia- what if I say the wrong answer, my friends would laugh at me. Shyness was like an immovable barrier . But with time I realised that after having so much knowledge, if I stay in my cocoon, it’s hard to become a butterfly.  Overcoming shyness is all about practice by putting oneself in situations like debates and related activities. So just do it. Push yourself to get out there and talk to somebody. By pushing part shyness, your foot will be taking a giant step towards success.
Though Shyness makes people spend more time reading, learning, focusing, listening, observing and imagining. It becomes miracle when traditional ideas are challenged. With Shyness comes attentiveness, independence, thoughtfulness, insightfulness and approachability. One most important benefit of being shy is the development of listening skills. Sure shy people may not be the self involved chatterbox of the party, but they are vastly more beneficial. Their shy silence allows them to open their ears- to be keen listeners- a life skill that comes naturally to them. If you are shy or socially anxious, you probably tend to wait before you take action. This trait can be helpful when it comes to many life decisions. Thinking carefully and planning before taking actions are important for many of life’s hurdles including planning for the unexpected.
Interestingly, in Indonesia, word shy is also a word for shame. Shame is an intense and irreparable feeling of core inadequacy and unworthiness. Impact of shame is secrecy and an inability to access reality. I mean, really??
In words of Marco Battaglia-
‘ Shyness is simply a human difference, a variation that can be a form of richness’.
While extroverts tend to gain their energy in social situations, introverts typically recharge their energy through solitude. It might be easy to assume that those who gravitate towards the spotlight of fame are extroverts, but the truth is that many of our most prominent faces have actually been spotted as introverts.
From Abraham Lincoln,  Emma Watson,  J.K. Rowling to Mahatma Gandhi and T.S. Eliot, Shyness has built many great people.
Albert Einstein has very well said- ” The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creativity of mind”.
Mahatma Gandhi  known for his non violent resistence said- ” In a gentle way, you can shake the world”.
J.K. Rowling- the famous writer who made our childhood interesting with her story recalls that she first had the idea of Harry Potter when she was travelling alone.
Susan Cain- the famous author known for her world famous book -” Quiet- the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking.”, she beautifully illustrates how quiet people are actually utilising their worth and are capable of doing it. She has started a quiet resolution. For far too long, those who are naturally quiet, serious or sensitive have been overlooked. The loudest have taken over- even if they have nothing to say. It’s time for everyone to listen. It’s time to harness the power of introverts. It’s time for QUIET.
One has to unlock the hidden superpower and give oneself the tools to make a mark in one’s own quiet way. Being an extrovert is good; but being an introvert is not bad at all. It doesn’t matter whether one is shy or not. What matters is how one treats life, how they accept the challenges and face the world with happy faces. Shyness doesn’t stop one’s ability to succeed; what stops them is the unwillingness to succeed. Success and shyness is corelated. You just need to push yourself towards success. It is unheard success.