Sinha’s mission Kashmir

B L Saraf
Former external  affairs  minister and BJP leader Yashwant  Sinha lead delegation of ‘ civil society members  from  Delhi’ is on  second  visit to the Valley, to assess  the ground situation that has developed in the wake of  summer   violent  unrest,  triggered  by the death of   militant commander, Burhan Wani and find  a way out of the  imbroglio. The delegation had  been  to Kashmir in the month of October,   close on the heels  of  a visit   undertaken  by  an official delegation led by the Union Home Minister , Rajnath Singh   to  see   that, in Kashmir,  violence  comes to an end.
Talking to the media in Srinagar   Yaswant Sinha, describing himself and other members of his delegation as a “group of concerned citizens”, said “Our main agenda is to take the agenda of Vajpayee ji   about Kashmir forward. When I was a minister, I was having knowledge about Kashmir, on that basis we are trying to work. The Kashmir issue can be resolved only by talks not by violence. But all sects, stake holders should be ready for talks, we are working for it.”
We believe   Sinha Sahib is aware that PM  Narendra Modi  is also advocating  the Vajpayee line to settle  the Kashmir   issue.  For PDP and C M Miss Mehbooba Vajpayee’s “Insaaniyat, Jamhooriyat and Kashmiryat ”  is  the  standard formula  which she would love   to apply to   resolve the   issue. Are Hurriyat leaders   and   their sympathizers here   and the promoters, elsewhere, ready to    accord respect to this formula? Even in its author’s  ruling period  notable   persons in the separatists  camp   rejected it    and , on the available indications, even now  they  may  not buy  the line. Things seem to have    traveled beyond them.  We get the feeling that, though, separatists would like to give some relief to their “captive  followers ”   from the long ordeal  and  want  to   have a semblance of normalcy in their day today lives,    yet  they are unable to do so. Somebody is   ‘over ruling them. For the concerned citizens ‘   a reality check of the ground situation is called for.  It is no time to indulge in make believe. It won’t pay anyone to conjure up a picture which is far removed from the reality.
There seems to be no end to the miseries of  Kashmiris. When people are hoping to get some respite from the   tyranny of Hartaal calendar, Farooq Abdullah has queered the pitch by hitch hiking to the Hurriyat bandwagon. He has exhorted the separatist to go on with their ‘ death wish’ extending his and N C’s support to   the’ right cause’.  Is Farooq Abdullah on the same path which late Mufti Sahib treaded to climb to the CM   Gaddi.?  He should recall how his party accused latter of being’ a soft separatist ‘. Are we seeing a role reversal? Farooq Abdullah has put forth a lop sided argument to justify his posture by relying on the PDP – BJP agenda of alliance, which calls for a dialogue with the separatists. Having talks with the Hurriyat is   a desirable thing. But to adopt their agenda of Azadi is entirely a different matter, and goes against   all that N C stood for.
Farooq Sahib must know that the mainstream political parties are, fast, losing ground in Kashmir. His statement   would further erode their credibility and embolden the merchants of death and destruction.  J&K state is sitting on powder keg. Any false move would trigger a disaster.To be a practitioner of power politics may work upto a point, beyond that it becomes  counter-productive.  We have the experience of it having been so. Srinagar and Anantnag Parliamentary seats are there for any politician to   desire. Even a covetous look on them can be a legitimate political exercise.  But to resort to the  path  which Dr Abdullah and NC  have ,  rightly, shunned    thus far  would , indeed,   be  a travesty  which  will   haunt them soon. PDP   is counting the chicken which have come home to roost on its espousal of the separatist’s agenda, in run up to the seat of power.
If Sinha mission is to achieve anything it will have to probe the minds – a bit deeper – of its interlocutors sitting on the opposite   bench. Onus for the resolution of Kashmir issue is as much on them as it could be on the parties occupying the nationalist bench. Both sides should contribute to the understanding of “ground realities.” PDP -BJP ruling alliance    may help them by   delivering on the promise of     good governance and not indulge   in politicking on simple administrative matters.
There is, however, one irrefutable    reality which stems from the seed sown in the geographical domain, laid over by the events of 1947.  That is the   J&K’s accession to the Indian Dominion – as it was called then in partition jargon of the sub- continent.
Yashwant  Sinha   delegation would    succeed, only,  if  it recognizes   that  there are other ‘ stake holders ‘  like Pandits and  residents of Jammu who , also ,  need to be taken into the confidence. Otherwise,   the mission will be doomed as earlier   like   ones were. Then, there are many groups of ‘concerned citizens “, spread across the communities, living in    Jammu   and Kashmir, who are eager to contribute their bit to rebuild the State’s ruptured socio- political fabric. May not in tandem, but certainly on the parallels-  the  inter-community  interaction  of  the local civil society  members   would   add value   to the mission   and  supplement the good work undertaken by the  ” concerned citizens  from Delhi ”   Good luck to the mission.
(The author is former Principal                District & Sessions Judge)