Sino-Indian military exercise

There are signs of thaw in the hitherto frozen relations between two Asian giants, India and China. The world has known these two leading countries in Asian continent as rivals, and hence, hostile to each other. There has been a war with China in 1962 which escalated from border skirmishes. Then there has been regular border crossing by the PLA in Ladakh region when they would enter the Indian part of Ladakh, pitch their tents and hoist Chinese flags and even paint stones and rocks and impress these with Chinese slogans. This was all a hostile approach by China. On international platform also China opposed India wherever it could. China opposed India’s claim to permanent membership of the Security Council. China opposed India proposing the Security Council take action against Pakistan-base terrorist organization LeT for attack on Mumbai. China issues separate visa to the citizens of J&K indicating that she considers J&K a disputed territory. China has grabbed a large chunk of Aksaichin which belongs to India. And China has been laying claim to Arunachal Pradesh as its territory.
However, Prime Minister Modi has been trying to bring about a change in India’s policy towards China. Modi visited China and extended a hand of friendship reinforcing India’s long state policy of resolving bilateral disputes by shunning violence and resorting to peaceful dialogue. There were moments in Sino-India relations when people thought that war was imminent. But Modi has taken resort to high level diplomacy and changing hatred and dislike into friendliness and cooperation. President Xi also visited India and there is general agreement that small and localized irritants notwithstanding, the two countries should develop friendly relations and cooperate in a number of sectors of mutual activity and interest like trade, tourism, exchange of scholars, artists and writers etc. Various confidence building measures have been identified and put to use. This has yielded good results. One important exercise in this context is the joint military exercise named the ‘Sino-Indian Cooperation 2016’. The exercises conducted in Chushul-Moldo area in Eastern Ladakh as a part of ongoing initiatives of the two countries to ensure greater interaction between troops of the two countries stationed along the LAC in Ladakh which has been a scene of recurrent intrusion by PLA in the past. The Indian commander said that the step was aimed at ensuring peace and tranquility along the LAC in Ladakh. Prior to it, we have had joint exercises which were also aimed at stabilizing peace along the LAC in Ladakh.
We have to understand that China is our eastern neighbour with our northern border extending to thousands of miles. Two countries whose border is so vast cannot go on as hostiles for ever. They have to understand that through hostility, they are depriving their vast population of the benefits of good neighourliness. Perhaps the understanding has dawned upon the Chinese authorities and they are demonstrating friendship with us especially in the matter of border issue. We should grab the opportunity and assure China that we do not have any ill intentions for her. It is important for the leadership on both sides to understand that India and China in collaboration can dictate terms on the entire world. Such is the potential of their man power, industry and economy. The time has come when the world leadership passes on from the hands of America and the west to those of China and India. We have differences with China and we have differences with Pakistan. We are aware that China and Pakistan have close and intimate relations. But China is not going to support Pakistan outright on Kashmir or any other issue. China has always said that Kashmir is a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan and they should talk to each other to resolve it.
We welcome ‘Sino-Indian Cooperation 2016’ and we are confident that this would help in building bridges of understanding with China. We can envisage a bright future for Sino-India relations. We know that because India has taken far reaching and solid step to strengthen our military presence in the region of Eastern Ladakh and that India of 2016 is not India of 1961. China has understood that India has made a strong military buildup along her frontier posts and it is now no easier for the PLA to make a demonstration of its power as it used to do. The countries must understand the benefits of cooperation and collaboration in a number of aspects of life. We shall be very happy if our hopes of cordial relations with China are proved true. They have great stakes in Asian Continent. Actually, it is they who are managing affairs in the Asian States from Far South to the Indian sub-continent and the Persian Gulf. One cannot just dismiss Chinese presence in Gawadar and in Gilgit and Baltistan. We have to wait if we intend to see the things taking shape in right direction back in the valley. Any serious change in the line of thinking has to be shown in the form of something solid on the ground. China has to stop irritating our troops by sending in wrong messages. However, if PLA wakes up on ground realities, acts in the right, there will be goodwill from our side.