Situation created by enemies of peace be dealt strongly: Prof Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 18: Former Union Minister, Prof Chaman Lal Gupta has emphasized the need to categorize the supporters and stone pelters in the matter of ongoing anti militancy operations in trouble -torn Kashmir and dealing such elements under law of land strongly.
Prof Gupta, said Pakistan has launched a proxy war for about three decades now and the men in Khaki are fighting this war in a complex situation, especially in the Valley having different type of elements including the radicals also.
He said in the war the loss of lives is ominous, which no sensible person likes but the situation created by the enemies of the peace has to be dealt with strong hands. He added that it sounds strange that instead of patting the forces the certain politicians of dubious character resorted to raising of boggy of violation of human rights and termed the stone pelters and others as protestors thus making a mockery of the word protest.
Prof Gupta regretted that certain politicians in Kashmir change their colours like the weather. In this regard, he recalled the largest number of incidents of violence as also those of killings were recorded between 1996 to 2002, when NC was in power and Dr Farooq Abdullah had been for bombing the training camps of the ultras in Pakistan and Pak occupied Kashmir (PoK). It is also on record that being out of power in 2014, the same Farooq Abdullah asked the separatist outfit Hurriyat Conference to go ahead and they will get their support also. Later on he had also termed the ultras, as Mujahids fighting for the Azadi of Kashmir nation.
Prof Gupta said that from 1996 to 2002 the number of casualties was recorded as 16417. Out of them 8316 were ultras. In 2001, the highest number of militants was killed and their number was as 2010. Till this period the men of forces martyred were 711 and others were killed and massacred by the militants in cross firing.
In this regard, he also assailed the repeated controversial statements of some of the Congress leaders, particularly of former PCC chief Saif-ud-Din Soz and observed that it was strange that the congress did not take note of such utterances loaded with communal over tunes.