Six-fold rise in ceasefire violations from 2015 to 2018: Govt

NEW DELHI: The ceasefire violations (CFVs) along the Line of Control has increased six-fold from 2015 to 2018, the Government informed the Rajya Sabha today.

Replying to a question in the Upper House, Minister of State in the Defence Ministry Subhash Bhamre said there were 152 cases of CFVs in 2015.

It increased to 228 in 2016, 860 in 2017 and 2018 (until July 23) in 942, Bhamre said in a written response.

Cross-border firing along the India-Pakistan international border increased by nearly two times from 2015 to 2018, he said.

In 2015, there were 253 instances of cross-border firing, 221 in 2016, 111 in 2017 and 490 cases in 2018. (AGENCIES)