SKIMS’ research budget Rs 813 cr, spends just 0.04 % in 5 years

Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, Apr 11: Comptroller and Auditor General of India has indicted the Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar (Kashmir) for spending just 0.04 % amount on the research work out of the whopping Rs 813.31 crore sanctioned by the Government of India in last five years, showing Rs 28.19 crore expenditure merely on papers besides committing many irregularities and unfruitful expenditure, causing huge loss to the public exchequer.
The audit team of the CAG has pointed out many irregularities, misuse of funds and has put several top ranking officials of this prestigious institute of the State connected with the Medical excellence and research work in the dock for poor management and patient care.
Exposing the internal functioning of SKIMS, the CAG pointed out that the institute which was conceived as a Centre of Excellence in the area of Medical education while serving as hospital for specialized Medical services had no road map for medical research  and surprisingly no agenda in this regard was ever presented in any of the Governing Body meetings for attaining this vital objective of the Institute.
Ironically, against the total budget allotment of Rs 813.31 crore during the year 2007-08 to 2011-12, the  SKIMS’s  faculty spent just an amount of Rs 39 lakh ( 0.04%) under research grant. Amazingly, it was found that research activity of the Institute was restricted to just payment of monthly clinical research allowance of Rs 2500 to the faculty members that too, without verifying the eligibility criteria. It was also pointed out that out of the total Rs 39 lakh amount, Rs 31 lakh had been advanced to 80 SKIMS faculty members for undertaking research activities. The audit scrutiny of records showed that 74 faculty members had not submitted adjustment accounts of these advances.  The audit further noticed that a double storey animal house building costing Rs 8.99 crore constructed for research purpose continued to remain under the occupation of security forces since 1998 and no efforts were made to get it vacated by the authorities.
Yet another glaring example of ‘callous attitude’ of the people at the helm of affairs towards Cancer patients of the State came to light after CAG pointed out that the Institute which was recognized as Regional Cancer Centre by the Union Ministry of  Health and Family Welfare in November 2005, was provided grant of Rs 6.13 crore for setting up  Cancer Centre in two installments, but such centre did not exist even today.
The scrutiny of the record indicated that against the revised outlay of  Rs 152.17 crore for the 11th Five Year Plan period ( 2007-12), the Institute  has incurred an expenditure of  Rs 142.97 crore, but it was found to be a mis-leading conclusion as the plan expenditure of  Rs 28.19 crore  was only on papers. Thus the actual plan expenditure during this period was only Rs 114.78 crore, that is 25% short of the approved plan. Not only this, the approval was also not adhered in toto as 39 works falling outside the purview of the Plan were taken up for execution  and expenditure of Rs 24.09 crore was incurred during 2007-12 on such unplanned works.
The CAG pointed out that Rs 41.61 crore were withdrawn by the Institute for purchase of machinery/equipment from the consolidated fund of the State in contravention of the rules and credited to the Civil Deposit head to avoid lapse of budget during this period.  The CAO of the Institute stated that non-utilisation of funds to the tune of more than 20 crore was due to delay in the process of procurement of equipment. It was found that procurement system of machines/ equipment and drugs needed to be reviewed and strengthened as there were abnormal delays in invitation of tenders, placing of supply order and opening of letters of credit leading to locking up of huge funds, delays or non-procurement of medical equipment.
During scrutiny it was established that the system of drawing samples of drugs for testing to ensure procurement of quality medicines and drugs is not in vogue in the Institute. Drug Quality Control Laboratory was not functioning since November 2003 and Rs 1.40 crore released during 2009 to set up Advanced Quality Assurance Lab were lying unspent. No physical verification of drugs and equipment was conducted by the top designated officers for the last nearly five years.   It was pointed out that an advanced centre for human genetics and local area networking system could not be established in the SKIMS due to improper planning despite investment of Rs 12.12 crore.
The Emergency Medicines department of the Institute was not fully equipped to deal with cases of road accidents and nearly 40 to 47% mis-utilisation of the ambulances was found which were basically meant for patients. It was found that out of the total 2,57,993 patients admitting to SKIMS during 2007- 12, 12,860 died, out of which 7875 death occurred within 48 hours of admission. Maximum deaths took place due to head injuries. It also pointed out shortage of faculty in the Institute and SKIMS Medical College to the extent of 40% and 56 %, respectively.