SKUAST-Jammu hosts Budding Vets programme

Chief guest with the participating students and organizers at the Budding Vets programme at SKUAST-Jammu.
Chief guest with the participating students and organizers at the Budding Vets programme at SKUAST-Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 25: Virbac Animal Health India Pvt Limited held its programme on “Engagement with Budding Vets” for third Professional B V Sc and A H students of F V Sc and AH, SKUAST-J, R S Pura.
The programme was inaugurated by Dr Rajesh Katoch, Dean, F V Sc and A H who was chief guest for the event. In his inaugural speech, Dr Katoch motivated the young budding vets.
The programme started with theme lecture on “Infection management and skin care in pets” which was delivered by Dr Mandeep Singh, Technical Executive, Virbac Animal Health India Pvt Limited.
The theme lecture was followed by an online quiz competition. The first, second and third winners of this budding vet quiz were Simran Parihar, Suvansh Sangra and Karan Kumar. They will be given a chance to enter in North Zone competition.
Session was insightful and aimed to deliver knowledge, innovation and current scenarios in Derma drugs as well as art of mastitis treatment in dairy cows. Free surgical kits and literature on pathology of canine dermatology was distributed to the participating students.
The senior faculty members, Dr Ashok Kumar, Dr Utsav Sharma, Dr Sharad Kumar, Dr A K Pandey along with postgraduate students of clinical divisions were also present on this occasion. The staff of Virbac Animal Health India Pvt Limited consisted of Sanjeev Dudeja, Regional Manager, Kapil Kaushik Area Manager, Dr Mandeep Singh, Technical Executive, Ayush Gandotra, Business Officer and Rajan Samyal Business Officer. Dr H R Bhardwaj, Professor and Head Division of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology coordinated the programme.