Has the State Government taken maximum available advantage of the Centrally sponsored schemes aimed at clearing urban slums by way of providing housing and basic civic facilities, less said the better. This casual and “ChaltaHai” syndrome which need to be bidden adieucontinues to rule the administrative system in many a way. This approach of the StateGovernment has resulted in nearly 19percent urban population in Jammu and Kashmir living in slums.
There are schemes like Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), Swachh Bharat Mission- Urban , PM AwasYojna with ambitious plans to reach out to those urban poor who needed housing and other basic civic amenities. The Central Government, it may be underlined, provides to States not only financial assistance but the requisite technical assistance too.If the States are lethargic in not making the best possible use of such schemes like Jammu and Kashmir, who was going to suffer in the long run ?
Individual schemes with varied provisions and financial assistance hardly need to be discussed here but the fact that each and every area required to fight this problem has been taken care of in one or the other scheme which if harnessed properly , perhaps this problem would have not been there at all. Under AMRUT alone ,State’s Annual Action Plan for three years stands approved by the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs at Rs. 593.05 crores to be spent on water supply, sewerage and septage management. Under Swachh Bharat Mission – Urban , the Central Government provides incentive of Rs. 39200 per seat for community toilets etc. These are just illustrative incentives and funds allocation but the fact of the matter is that full advantage continues to be not taken from these schemes.