Smile : The inverted rainbow

Seema Bhagotra
“Wear a smile and have friends, wear a scowl and have wrinkles. ” George Eliot. “A small little curve, twinkling eyes set everything straight. An infant, who can’t  express itself ,speaks volumes by its inoccent smile and spreads its golden glow on the onlookers. A smiling face draws you and a total stranger is befriended in an instant. Such is the power of the smile. “Beauty is skin deep. A beautiful personality is not  just Hellenic features,but a pleasing, smiling personality.
” Let my soul smile through my heart, and my heart smile through my eyes”, said Paramhansa Yoganand. Most women remember to apply thick layers of make-up, but deny themselves the natural beauty of the ‘smile’. “In fact smiling is also an art. Some smile don’t leave your lips, which is sometimes mocking;  some smile is reflected in the eyes which shows the genuineness.“ It is a good facial exercise because it takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty three to frown. Why not get best results with little efforts and that too free of charge ? It is a good natural tonic as it alleviates the stress. Metabolism is enhanced, blood circulation improves, , leading to better absorption of oxygen  boosts immune system . All this give a natural glow on the face adding to the beauty . Smile is a magician who has the power to make you look younger and enhancing your attractiveness.  Like the laughter therapy, smile also helps in overcoming certain diseases such as depression, solitude, boredom etc. Smile  act as a stimulus to the brain to produce hormones like dopamine, norepinephrine which have a therapeutic effect on the kidneys, digestive tract and other organs.
“Every student wants the company of a smiling teacher, which enhances their grasping power. At the time of placement, employers are impressed by a smiling candidate. Smile mirrors the confidence in the candidate. Smiling creates a sense of trust and rapport.  A snug smile enhances the relationship between the host and the guests. A made-up face devoid of smile act as a deterrent to the relationship. Smile has the magic of touching , softening and stealing, even the hardest heart. It is contagious. “One sweep of the magic wand  of the Smile -Fairy spreads sunshine all around with no shadows of pain and grief. Smile, and let the world, smile with you. Let’s start the epidemic!