Snatching of weapons

Decamping of eight weapons on 28 Sep 2018 by an SPO has posed a serious threat to the security forces and administration. Militants with the help of these huge weapons and ammunition may attack the security forces and Government machinery involved in anti militancy operations. This is clear indication that militants have fell short of weaponry particularly for newly recruited youths in militancy. Weapon looting/snatching by the militants and deserting of police personnel with weapons have become a trend to boost the militancy in the valley. The looted weapons are being used against the security forces and to target the politicians and mainstream leaders. This is a major setback to the forces deployed in the valley to deal with law and order situation and also hampering the search and cordon operations. J&K Police personnel deployed for various guard duties in small groups particularly for security of VIPs, MLAs, MPs and civil dignitaries should not be left at the disposal of that VIP only. Police officers should have proper check on duties of such smaller groups and should ensure that the weapons are kept under proper security as per SPO. Strict action should be taken against the personnel involved in such acts including termination and punishment. The time has come to evolve a comprehensive policy to counter such acts of militants. Kashmir centric politicians have never condemned such anti national and seditions acts of militants and their over ground workers, instead they spare no time to blame the State and Central Govt for the unrest and militants actions. Dirty politics is being played in the Kashmir valley which have never been witnessed in the history. If the politicians and Hurriyat leaders have any sympathy with the kashmiris they should act against the Pakistan sponsored terrorism. Militancy is man made and not made by God or any other element. It can be eradicated if the Kashmir centric politicians and general public of Valley truly want to get rid of this problem. I am of the view that Pakistan alone can do no harm to the state if there is no support from the general public. Govt has to review its policies in dealing with this complex situation keeping in mind the mood of general public as public is also partly responsible for creation of this mess.
If youth of the valley shuns this path of violence and joins hands with Govt for alround development of the state, there would be no requirement of bullets, pallet guns or using any type of force on the general public including enforcing of Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA). The Kashmir will see a new dawn of peace and prosperity subject to involvement of every Kashmiri in this peace process with heart and soul, otherwise, it will run as seen in the past since 1989.
H.S. Saini