Snow clearance starts on Mughal road

Snow clearance work in progress on Mughal road on Poonch side of Pir Panjal. —Excelsior/Waseem
Snow clearance work in progress on Mughal road on Poonch side of Pir Panjal. —Excelsior/Waseem

Excelsior Correspondent

POONCH, Mar 12: Snow clearance work on historical Mughal road, connecting Poonch-Rajouri districts with Kashmir valley has been started by the concerned department from Poonch as well as Shopian side to throw road open for traffic movement.
Official sources said that the road clearance work was started from Shopian side few days ago and snow has been cleared on some KMs above Dubjan, while the road was cleared upto Poshana Army check post and the work to clear snow from there onward was started yesterday which is continuously going on in full swing.
Sources further said though the exercise to clear road was to be taken place but along with that keeping in view the coming Lok Sabha elections, specially the geography of Anantnag-Rajouri Lok Sabha Constituency, the Poonch and Shopian administration under their DCs with concerned and Mechanical Department has kick started snow clearance work on Mughal road which was closed on January 26 this year. Sufficient heavy machinery has already been deployed on the spot to open the road as early as possible.
Meanwhile, SDM Surankote, Farooq Nazki has been authorised to supervise this work who visited the road and is closely monitoring the snow clearance operation.
Executive Engineer, PW(R&B) Deptt Surankote, Shoket Ali said that men and machinery has been deployed to clear the road at the earliest, work is going on in full swing and if the weather condition will remain good, the snow will be cleared by the end of this month.