Snow turns Bangus into winter paradise

A view of snow covered Bangus valley in North Kashmir’s Kupwara district. — Excelsior/Aabid Nabi
A view of snow covered Bangus valley in North Kashmir’s Kupwara district. — Excelsior/Aabid Nabi

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Jan 22: Tucked away in North Kashmir’s Kupwara district, the snow-covered Bangus Valley emerges as a haven for enthusiasts, providing a pristine escape from the disappointment of snowless tourist spots elsewhere in the region.

This winter, the Valley transforms into a snowy wonderland, offering a breathtaking spectacle with snow stretching as far as the eye can see-a sight that has eluded many popular destinations.
Despite its unparalleled beauty, the Bangus Valley struggles with a lack of visitors, a situation locals attribute to insufficient Government promotion. Expressing dismay, a resident said, “Everyone is talking about snowless Gulmarg and other places when we have plenty of snow available here. This is because the place has not been promoted as it should have been.”
Enthusiastic about the prospect of winter tourism, locals propose organising winter games events to showcase Bangus Valley’s unique charm and diversify the tourism landscape in Kashmir.
Mohammad Aslam, a Forester, sheds light on the commendable efforts of the Eco-Tourism Wing of the Forest Division Langate in developing Bangus Valley as a border tourism destination. “We have been doing different works under eco-tourism for the last year, and we are happy to have completed around 80% of the work. Notably, rain shelters and huts have been established to accommodate visitors,” he said.
Encouraging people to visit, Aslam emphasises the abundant snow in Bangus Valley compared to popular destinations like Gulmarg. He said that last year, the area welcomed 80,000 visitors, and this year, they anticipate around 2.5 lakh tourists.
“This not only promises economic benefits for the region but also offers a unique winter experience amid the untouched beauty of Bangus Valley,” he said.