Snowfall disrupts air-traffic at Srinagar airport

Snowfall disrupts air-traffic at Srinagar airport
Snowfall disrupts air-traffic at Srinagar airport

SRINAGAR:  Fresh snowfall in Kashmir disrupted air-traffic at the airport here as all flights today were cancelled owing to bad weather.

No flight operations took place at Srinagar airport today because of bad weather, Director Airports Authority of India (AAI), Srinagar Airport, Sharad Kumar said.

He said all the incoming and the outgoing flights were cancelled.

No flights were able to land at the airport, so all flights for the day were cancelled, Kumar said.

Many areas in the Valley, especially the higher reaches, experienced fresh snowfall overnight, with the plains, including the summer capital, witnessing intermittent snowfall since this morning.

The MET Office has forecast widespread rains or snowfall in the Valley over three days from today, after which, it said, there is possibility of isolated to fairly widespread rains or snowfall over the next two days. (AGENCIES)