Soaring prices of essential items

Daily rising prices of commodities like rice, vegetables, cereals, mutton and milk products etc seem to be unabated. Common man is suffering a lot but there seems no end to their woes as administration as mute spectators to all this. The rates of commodities vary from shop to shop, vendor to vendor, there’s no guarantee of quality product. The famous basmatic rice of R S Pura is nowhere in sight.
Nowadays only glossy packings of 10 kg rice bags of different mills of R S Pura are available in market, the taste of which is quite less than the original basmati whereas consumers are charged at  Rs 800 or more per 10 kg bag. There’s no aroma for which basmati rice was famous. Government has no check on the quality and prices of  basmati. Every shopkeeper sells it at on his own rate. Take example of non vegetarian items like mutton,chicken, fish etc. The story is same.
First of all behaviour of mutton sellers is quite disgusting. The act as if they’re doing a great favour to customers by selling mutton at their own rates. Then meat is not sold as per consumer wish.
And now vegetables which have broken all previous records. Every vendor sells than at on his own price. The rates in morning are high in comparison to late evening. There’s no rate list of items displayed by vegetable  sellers and rates vary from shop to shop, vendor to vendor. But still administration is silent as there seems no control on them. The concerned department to check market prices are in a slumber. Are they doing justice to their  jobs? The higher ups in administration must take serious note  of these problems and sort out the difficulties faced by public/daily customers.
Yours etc….
Kaushal Kotwal