Social, Economic Services get major share from Rs 7300 cr plan

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Sept 9: The Planning Department has distributed Rs 7300 crore worth annual plan among different Services for the current financial year of 2012-13 giving importance to various social sectors.
“The preference from the plan amount has been given to the sectors, some of which were directly connected to the services provided to the common man by the Government’’, official sources said.
Out of Rs 7300 crore worth plan, the Government would be spending Rs 5887.16 crore on capital expenditure i.e. development of the State and Rs 1412 crore on revenue expenditure i.e. other expenses like the expenditure of the Government.
The Social Services including Health, Medical Education, Sanitation, Social Welfare and Other Services meant for people’s welfare have got a major boost in distribution of the plan amount.
As against Rs 2328.61 crore spent by the Government on Social Services during last financial year of 2011-12, the State during current fiscal year of 2012-13 has kept a provision of Rs 2532.09 crore for these Services this year.
Of Rs 2532.09 crore, Rs 1416.30 crore would be incurred on capital expenditure and Rs 1115.79 crore on revenue expenditure.
The General Services, which also included a host of Services, have been allocated Rs 706.37 crore including Rs 693.51 crore on capital and Rs 12.86 crore on revenue expenditure. Last year, Rs 672.64 crore had been allotted for General Services.
The General Economic Services, which consisted most of development works, have got a massive hike in plan allocation as compared to last year. The Government would be spending Rs 1231.40 crore on these Services as against Rs 714.12 crore spent last year. Of Rs 1231.40 crore, Rs 1088.41 crore would go to capital and Rs 142.99 crore on revenue expenditure.
The Government has also increased the allocation of Agriculture sector from Rs 255.46 crore of last year to Rs 343.32 crore during current financial year, an increase of about Rs 88 crore. Rs 316.96 crore would be used on capital and Rs 26.36 crore on revenue expenditure.
The allocation of Rural Development Department has slightly gone down from the last year when it was Rs 200.33 crore. This year, it would be Rs 198.34 crore including Rs 166.53 crore on capital and Rs 31.81 crore on revenue expenditure.
Special Area Programmes would have Rs 395.87 crore as against Rs 399.24 crore of last year. This year’s allocation included Rs 351.13 crore on capital and Rs 44.64 crore on revenue expenditure. Irrigation and Flood Control’s allocation has also gone down from Rs 483.56 crore of last year to Rs 446.73 crore this year including Rs 446.05 crore on capital and Rs 68 lakh on revenue expenditure.
Energy would get Rs 455.13 crore (Rs 445 crore on capital and Rs 10.13 crore on revenue expenditure) as compared to Rs 496.27 crore last year.
Industry and Minerals Department was almost at par with last year. This year, it would be getting Rs 153.35 crore including Rs 134.24 crore on capital and Rs 19.12 crore on revenue expenditure. Last year, it got Rs 152.29 crore.
Transport, another important sector, has been sanctioned Rs 823.08 crore (Rs 817.80 crore on capital and Rs 5.28 crore on revenue expenditure). Last year’s allocation of Transport Department was Rs 876.25 crore.
Communication sector’s allocation has gone down from last year’s Rs 15.32 crore to Rs 9.82 crore including Rs 7.23 crore on capital and Rs 2.59 crore on revenue expenditure. Science, Technology and Environment has received Rs 4.5 crore, all for capital expenditure as against Rs 5.91 crore of last year.
Last year, the State had received Rs 6600 crore worth annual plan while this year, the State got a hike of 10 per cent in plan allocation at Rs 7300 crore.