Society against terrorism

The Lieutenant Governor issued a resolute call to society, urging unified resistance against militants in Jammu and Kashmir. He declared that the day such unity materialised would mark the end for the militants. Emphasising the incapacity of 20-25 militants to intimidate the vast population, LG urged people to inform security forces about militant movements to dismantle their operations. The Government has unequivocally spearheaded a relentless campaign to eradicate terrorism from the Jammu and Kashmir region. Not too long ago, the landscape was marred by incessant shutdowns, recurrent incidents of stone-pelting, and the de facto rule of separatists running a parallel Government. Militant burials, once attended by crowds numbering in the thousands out of sheer fear, were emblematic of the prevailing atmosphere. The rule of law seemed conspicuously absent, with brazen attacks on law enforcement personnel occurring within the precincts of religious sanctuaries in broad daylight. A clandestine economy thrived through Hawala transactions, and radicalization reached its zenith via Jamaat schools.
The region was indifferent to the tourist seasons, annually simmering to a boiling point over various pretexts. Schools remained deserted, and developmental initiatives stagnated. In the face of these adversities, the Government took a resolute and decisive stance. A meticulously devised plan systematically dismantled bastions of terrorism and separatism. The transformation has been so profound that shutdowns and strikes are now relics of the past. Hawala racketeers find themselves incarcerated, separatists are held accountable by the law, and Jamaat, along with its educational institutions, is proscribed.
A record influx of tourists attests to the seismic shift that has occurred. Development has assumed primacy, as exemplified by the imminent rail link that is poised to revolutionise the entire Kashmir region. Concerted efforts are underway to augment the health and educational infrastructure. Urban landscapes have undergone a metamorphosis, and comprehensive plans are being formulated for further enhancements. The Government, cognizant of its responsibility, has accommodated the legitimate demands of every section of society, irrespective of religious affiliations.
The emergence of the reinvigorated Jammu and Kashmir heralds a tangible reality, with the Government steadfastly committed to the trajectory of comprehensive development. Countless crores are being funnelled into the region’s infrastructure development, underscoring an unwavering dedication to transformative progress. The judicious guidance and nurturing of the youth in recent years have yielded extraordinary outcomes, evident in academic excellence at the national level and the acquisition of international medals by accomplished sportspersons. Despite these commendable achievements, the disruptive actions of a scant few individuals threaten to mar the positive trajectory. The perpetual cycle of violence must be decisively terminated through the proactive engagement of the local populace. The substantial efforts and financial investments directed towards Jammu and Kashmir underscore a paradigm shift, inaugurating a new epoch of profound transformation.
The Lieutenant Governor astutely underscores that a handful of terrorists cannot hold an entire society hostage. With the Government’s unwavering resolve, the local populace must rise to the occasion and collaborate with security agencies to expose terrorists in their midst. The dwindling numbers of these perpetrators indicate that their inevitable fate, along with that of their sympathisers, is fast approaching. Locals must internalise that, with their active support, this final phase of terrorism can be expeditiously eradicated. The eradication of bloodshed and animosity is non-negotiable in modern society and must be staunchly resisted at all costs. The Government remains unequivocally committed to safeguarding every citizen, yet the onus also rests on society to bear a portion of the responsibility. The lingering presence of these few remaining terrorists is sustained through the active support of locals, who must conscientiously step forward and collaborate with security agencies to eradicate this menace. There is no cause for apprehension, as the Government stands resolutely behind the populace, unwavering like an unyielding rock. To pave the way for more comprehensive development, the curtain must fall on terrorism.