Soldier of Knowledge

Dr M.A Shah
Dictator by birth, Heart of a lion, Mind of champion, a towering personality in academia Padmashri Prof K L Chopra is no more. Never afraid to debate on controversial issues, fearless to point it out even if it meant ruffling, Prof Chopra was having unique qualities and capabilities of a good administrator. In academic circles, it is the rarest of rare to find a person like him. After migrating from Gujrawala Pakistan, Prof Chopra obtained Masters in Physics from Delhi University, PhD from University of British Columbia and worked in R&D positions for 17 long years in different institutions across Globe. He joined IIT Delhi as Senior Professor, established thin film laboratory and served many institutions sincerely and honestly.
Prof. Chopra was an iconic figure in the country who embodies several personalities. An institution builder, a great educationist, a serious scientist, an inquisitive teacher and a good communicator- all rolled into one. Persuaded by the HRD ministry of GOI to rejuvenate the very first IIT at Kharagpur, he served as its Director for two terms of 10 years as a unique case. Known globally for his numerous research publications, several books on Thin Film, patents and know-how transfers to industry, honored by various academic institutions and professional societies, KLC has been conferred Padma Shri by the government of India. After retirement, he served IITD as IREDA Chair Prof in the area of Solar Energy and was a Distinguished Honorary Professor of several premier academic institutions and Advisor/ Consultant to several industries. The Book, “Battleground” on him aims to attribute the changes to the personal leadership and working style of Prof. K.L. Chopra. The book highlights his qualities and working habits that were the critical factors that shaped the 10 dynamic years he spent from 1987 to 1997 in IIT Kgp. Administrators and policy makers should the read the book. His first book Thin Film Phenomena published in 1969 is still considered as the Bible for students.
Life Time Contributions Award in Engineering by Indian National Academy of Engineering and the ISI (USA), Citation-Laureate award for being one of the 8 “most highly cited” scientist of India . Elected as Fellow of all Science and Engineering Academies of India, Prof Chopra will always be remembered for his never ending energy and was a role model for many of his students, colleagues and disciples. Inspired many generations of scientists, his invaluable contribution in nurturing Indian science at all levels, including shaping Indian science policy is deeply responsible for the significance of Indian science in recent times. He stood for ethics and served as President, Society for Scientific Values.
NIT Srinagar shall remember his contribution for extending support to organize INSPIRE Internship Programmes and Internal Conferences successfully. He showed excellent professional performance with an extra ordinary attitude. Many including Prof Rajat Gupta (Director NIT Mizoram), Prof. Rakesh Sehgal (Director NIT Srinagar) and Dr. M J Zarabi (Former Chairperson NIT Srinagar) lost their friend and We (Me and Prof Kamal K Kar) lost a beloved well wisher, an angel and mentor like father.