Apride moment for Jammu and Kashmir and in a rare achievement, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) by addressing the special session of the United Nations General Assembly became the first political personality of Jammu and Kashmir to achieve this feat. While we congratulate him for this achievement, we expect the world body must have noted the considered Indian views on an important topic like “Challenges and Measures to Prevent and Combat Corruption and Strengthen International Cooperation”. The menace of corruption, of late, has sprouted in yet another challenging nature that of fugitive economic offenders duping banks and financial institutions of massive public funds and fleeing the country to evade law and hide as fugitives. The international body must ponder over the views expressed by Dr. Jitendra Singh and bring a cohesive combined pressure on those countries where such economic offenders of grave dimensions were evading arrest and deportation to this country to be subjected to the rigours of justice to cough out the ”eaten” public funds. Corruption in every sphere and in any form needs to be tackled vigorously and vehemently or a constellation or a vicious circle of emboldened spirits of such offenders would spare no country how much big or small.