Soon things will be in order: Gupta

Stray animals, poor street lights dominate problems
Sanjeev K. Sharma
JAMMU: Stray animals, nallah overflowing in rainy season, poly-bags, dilapidated lanes and drains are some of the prominent problems being faced by the people of Ward Number-52.
This Ward contains 12 Mohallas starting from Garden Estate to Satyam Resort. These Mohallas are Upper Preet Nagar, Ambedkar Nagar, KC Colony, South Extension Trikuta Nagar, Friends Colony, Sain Vihar and Satyam Vihar.
Most of the common problems of this Ward are common to those in other Wards of Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) but how much the people in this Ward are affected by these was elaborated by the locals here themselves.
Mamta-a school teacher said that stray dogs have become a terror in the Ward.
“They bark harshly over passersby in the streets and scare all and these canines mostly come in groups of four or even more,” she said adding that fearing these dogs children even avoid going out for cycling and elders too prefer to remain indoors till it is some very urgent task outside,” she maintained.
Krishna Devi-a housewife informed that there are certain garbage containers which are raided by stray dogs and cows resulting in spread of litter everywhere.
“This gives a shabby look to the area and there should be some solution for that,” she further said.
“There are certain vacant plots in the Ward where labourers live. These labourers along with their entire families ease themselves outside in Nallahs or behind the bushes and pollute the environment,” Shambhu Lal-a retired policeman said adding that these labourers will never let Jammu become open defecation free place.
“There is a big problem at Ambedkar Nagar where water comes out of Nallah and enters residential houses in rainy days,” a housewife Bimla said.
Though it seems that absence of street lights makes no difference but it matters a lot as one Sheela Rani-of 70 years informed that in evening hours it becomes very tough to walk as it remains all dark and one has to walk through streets which are broken at many places.
Hira Lal-a shopkeeper in the area said as there is no morning walkers track in the Ward and one such track can be constructed along the canal with greenery by Floriculture Department and by planting trees at both sides of the track which will on one hand add to the beauty of the area and on the other hand it will be utilized by the morning walkers too.
Still more people talked about the problems related to noises of horns at main road and air pollution due to heavy traffic on the main road.
After Ajay Gupta has been elected as the Corporator of the Ward in the recently held Urban Local Body (ULB) elections, people here now pin all hopes this man for solution to their problems.
The Corporator interacted with EXCELSIOR and talked about problems of this Ward and solutions which he plans for that.
He said that there is mostly traffic jam at Chowk near Nidesh Apartments at Channi-Railway road for which some traffic light is required to be fixed.
On open defecation by labourers staying at vacant plots, he appealed to the owners of those plots to give basic facilities to the labourers to whom those plots are given on rent.
He also said that soon work on lanes and drains will start and street lights will also be fixed to facilitate the public.
“Till now we are given 10 street lights but we are waiting to get more and I have also met the JMC Mayor in this regard too,” the Corporator maintained.
On garbage problem the Corporator informed that the containers in the Ward are daily lifted by JMC authorities.
He appealed the people of the Ward to cooperate in making the Ward clean by not throwing the garbage in canal and anywhere else than the containers placed at many places in the Ward.
On drainage problem, he said that work on Nallah at Khurana Marble Chowk to Satyam Resort has started and soon most of the problems related to drainage will be solved.
On the issue of stray animals, he appealed to the people to take care of their cows while on dogs he said that there are laws as per which these canines can’t be killed but still, he said, veterinary wing of JMC will be contacted for some solution in this regard.
He also said that beautification of canal sides with green and flower plant trees are also part of his plans.
On crime and addiction, he said that such problems are almost non-existing in the Ward as cops are very alert and helpful.
Regarding use of poly bags, he said that soon there will be a rally with the help of school children to aware public about hazards of such poly-bags.
Fixing cleanliness and sanitation as his priority areas to work, the Corporator said that many works are awaiting funds.
He also said that as there is a shortage of staff with JMC the cleanliness is not up to the mark as it was expected.
The Corporator further informed that he plans to work for widows, old age people and handicapped population so that these people may get some pension from the Government.
“I will also try my best to aware public about welfare schemes and will help unemployed youth to get loans to start own business,” he further said adding that presently he is working on including poor people in Ayushman Bharat insurance scheme.
Ajay Gupta own business and has now become a Corporator for the first time on BJP mandate after winning ULB elections with a margin of three votes by defeating Banarsi Lal (Independent candidate).
Lal had got 675 votes against 678 by Gupta.