Soul and Life

S.D. Dutta
The Soul and Life (Atma and Jeev) may be defined as the ultimate internal principles by which we grow, think, wish, command, resolve and to get faculty of deciding the complicated problems of life and by which our bodies are animated. The essence of Soul and Life consists perfectly in mathematical ratio in the bodies of all the living creatures, which are the laws of the universe and music of the heavenly spheres.
The Life (Jeev) is a major essence and fragment of Almighty God which has been inducted in all living things of the cosmos. The Jeev is constituted of many elements of God. As Milk have many elements like cream, curd, butter and ghee. Similarly Jeev consists of soul, mind, power of understanding and other elements which God has not put in other living things. One cannot get curd and butter directly from the milk. To get these two things from the milk one has to follow a specific procedure. Firstly one has to turn milk into curd and the churning the curd to get the butter and then putting butter on fire to get the ghee. Soul and Life (Jeev and Atma) are invisible in the bodies of all living creatures. To get spiritual power, divine perception, spiritual vision and immaterial strength out of Jeev Atma, one has to adopt a special procedure laid down by Lord Krishna in Geeta Saar, which is a gist of Bhagavad Gita.
The Life in all living creatures of the cosmos is provided with a particular and limited power and they can not go beyond their power. Nature (God) has given full and unlimited power to the Soul of human being to get Godly power, divine vision, sensibility and spiritual power by adopting the road map and procedure laid down in the Geeta Saar to obtain spiritual power and also to reach the Almighty God.
Geeta Saar is a gist of Bhagavad Gita which Lord Krishana explained to Arjuna at the end of Mahabharata war and is considered a unique piece of literature. It is the only books that gives full and clear answer to cardinal questions of what is God, what is Soul its shape and place in the human body and how to get spiritual power out of the Jeev Atma The procedure is clearly laid down in the Geeta Saar. The God in the shape of a candle like flame exists in the Jeev as butter exists in the milk .So, one has to churn the Jeev to see the Divine Light. Man has to adopt laid down system to see the light of God in the inner part of the body. Firstly man should have a practice to sit continuously in solitude and concentrate on the point between two eyes brows. By doing this after some time a person can observe the light. This depends upon how much purity is there in our mind, along with consciousness, sensibility and perception. It is not very easy to see God’s light, it may take years together to achieve this goal. This is possible only when man has full control on his mind and brain. The mind is very wanton, restless, mischievous, fickle and flighty; therefore in the present time when man is very much surrounded by worldly problems, delusion, illusion and selfishness, it is very difficult, rather impossible to control the mind and brain. Brain and mind have very closed relation with each other through sensation. They cannot function separately and have a very quick and prompt action/ reaction to any person, object, shape or event simultaneously.
God’s light can be seen separately from Jeev. The major functioning in the bodies of all the living creatures including human being is the Jeev (Life). From birth to death all living things, that is Jeev who develops the body structure, including nervous system, and heart beat in the womb of the mother . It is also believed that Soul (Atma) is put in to the body of an infant (in the womb of a mother) through tenth door of the body. Up to 45 days of the infant ( in the womb of the mother) the soul enters the body of the infant and life starts beating in the womb. Till death it is Jeev which gives power to the living things to move, grow and do all the worldly work. Almighty God has prescribed special and unlimited power to each living being in the cosmos. God has given full power to a human being that is why he/she can make impossible things possible and can reach to Almighty God through meditation; Yoga is the simple and quickest method to approach God and to cultivate direct relationship with God and share with God every thing that we do. Almighty God has made a system by which, He knows all our secret thoughts, listens to our prayers and grants each and every one his/her due share. The open space around our earth is God’s computer through which, what ever sins or virtuous deeds we do in this world are computerized in the atmosphere in its own frequency. When an individual reincarnates in a particular family he has a relation with them in the previous birth also. His life will move according to his good and bad deeds done and executed in his previous life.
According to Hinduism Soul and Life (Jeev Atma) reincarnate again and again on earth to complete his tenure of life as per the sins or virtues of their previous Life. (Jeev Atma ) has absolute pleasure, incorrupt journey of their own wisdom in human form, Soul and Life finally travel in this cosmos and in the form of human. It can get salvation by obtaining enlightenment through meditation, to liberate the Soul and Life from the cycle of death and birth forever. On reaching at this stage and becoming perfect one has to reunite with main source of God’s Light. The body of a man without Soul and Life is like an electric bulb without electricity.
Spirituality and Science are not contradictory but have same aim which is to make human being comfortable, prosperous and happy. Difference is only in their applications. Spirituality tells us how to be comfortable and contended with what we have. No religious person can become spiritual unless he has spiritual instincts from his early life or from childhood. All our great hermits and seers had occult power and spiritual vision from their childhood or they were blessed and their Soul was spiritually awakened from his early age. A man can purify his mind, Soul and Intellect by meditation and get spiritual power. When a human beings do meditation and Yoga to concentrate at one point between two eye brows and reach at the stage of enlightenment and finally gain salvation in that life time is in the cosmos. This means that man can liberate the Soul & Life (Jeev Atma) from the cycle of birth and death. It is not necessary, to leave one’s home to obtain spiritual awakening and spiritual enlightenment . The spiritual person is a well wisher of all. He inspires others and gives comfort to those who come in his contact .In spiritual vision all outer differences of race, culture, nationality and religion are vanished. Spirituality helps us to purify our subtle, faculties like mind, intellect and deeds. The spiritually oriented person is always kind to others.
The intention of salvation as per Hindu custom means liberation from bondage of one’s performance and vicious cycle of birth and death forever. This is possible when a person establishes absolute control over his five senses and mind. Just controlling our five senses, does not make us to reach the stage of enlightenment. One has to do practice to concentrate at one point at the age of celibacy for some period of life. By doing this for some time the moment will come when enlightenment existing in the brain behind the forehead opens and fully awakens to all to obtain & gain from divine.