Soz urges Nirmala Sitharaman to open dialogue on Kashmir

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, June 3: Former Union Minister and senior Congress leader Prof Saif-ud-Din Soz today urged Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to redeem her public commitment that dialogue process on Kashmir would be initiated soon after the Lok Sabha elections.
“In a letter to the Union Minister, I reminded her that since she has earned some recognition as a person who is somewhat serious about her business, she must fulfill her pledge to open dialogue on Kashmir with the credible leadership, as early as possible,” he said in a statement, issued here today.
Prof Soz reminded Nirmala Sitharaman that now she was back to the Cabinet with even more important position, she must fulfill her pledge to open a ‘meaningful dialogue’ on Kashmir.
“I, however, cautioned her that she and her colleagues must not commit the mistake of opening talks with the mainstream leadership as that will not solve any purpose. So, I suggested that she and her colleagues must ensure that the dialogue process must get initiated with the Hurriyat Conference, represented by the JRL (Joint Resistance Leadership),” he added.
Prof Soz also explained to the Union Minister that once the dialogue got initiated with the representatives of the Hurriyat Conference, then it can move on to the mainstream leadership and all other stakeholders in the State. “No muscular policy would work in Kashmir and the only way forward happened to be a purposeful dialogue on the Kashmir issue,” he added.