Soz wants credible enquiry to unravel facts behind arson, carnage in Kishtwar

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Aug 11: As confusion over the exact reasons behind the blatant arson and carnage in Kishtwar district and failure on the part of the State Government to react promptly continued to prevail, the Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) president, Prof Saif-ud-Din today asked the Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah to hold credible enquiry into the incident to unravel the facts and ensure that such incidents don’t recur in future. He, however, avoided clear reply as to whether he was not expecting fair probe from the Divisional Commissioner, who has already been directed by the Government to conduct the investigation.
Talking to media-persons here this evening after holding meeting with the party Ministers, MP and other leaders, Prof Soz said, “most unfortunate incident has taken place in Kishtwar. There was some loss of life and very great loss of property. This incident as a whole is not acceptable”, adding “Congress party appeals to all the segments of the society irrespective of caste, creed and color to contribute in restoring sustainable peace in Jammu and Kashmir particularly in Kishtwar district”.
“I also appeal to the leadership of various parties to help in restoration of peace and harmony because in Jammu and Kashmir there is a consensus that all the three regions will have to live together”, he said, adding “we constitute mini-India in Jammu and Kashmir and integrity of the State is paramount to us”.
Urging the Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah to hold credible enquiry into the incident in a time bound manner, Prof Soz said, “this is imperative to bring facts to fore about the arson and carnage in Kishtwar because there is a situation of acrimony in other parts of Jammu region also”. “Only on the basis of credible enquiry some steps could be taken to ensure that such incidents don’t recur in future”, he added.
He, however, avoided clear reply on his expectations from the enquiry already ordered by the Government to be conducted by the Divisional Commissioner. “I will get to know from the Chief Minister whether enquiry by Divisional Commissioner will unravel the truth”, he added.
Prof Soz also avoided explicit answers to the questions about why there was inordinate delay on the part of the Government in enforcing the curfew in Kishtwar and why the situation was allowed to turn worse despite the fact that Minister of State for Home, Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo was present in Kishtwar town at that time. He also avoided to be part of the voices being raised for the removal of MoS Home especially when Deputy Commissioner and SSP were removed for their failure to control the situation.
“Before framing my opinion I need to know the point of view of other side”, he said.
Disclosing that party has constituted a five member committee comprising Thakur Hari Singh, Gurmukh Singh, Mula Ram, Vinod Sharma and Shah Mohd Choudhary to visit Kishtwar and establish a connection with the people, Prof Soz said, “I have made an appeal to the Chief Minister to allow me and my team to visit Kishtwar, hear the people, contribute in restoration of peace and to ascertain the facts”, adding “we have also urged the Government to devise a package of adequate relief to the sufferers of arson and carnage”.
“There should not be delay in sanctioning adequate relief package even if the Government will have to relax the rules”, he stressed.
When his attention was drawn towards the statement of a Member Parliament, who has demanded CBI enquiry into the incident, the JKPCC chief said, “anybody’s statement in the party is not from the party. I am the president and authorized to speak on behalf of party. As long as I am the pressident I will speak for the party”.
Responding to question regarding stepping down of MoS Home on the analogy of two Congress Ministers in order to ensure fair enquiry, Prof Soz said, “there are two different situations and cannot be compared”. He, however, termed the present situation as grim.
Congress MLC, Ravinder Sharma was also present in the press conference.