Special Enforcement Wing

Startling cases of power theft by big commercial concerns brought to light by the Enforcement Wing vindicates repetitive reporting by the media about how mercilessly the State exchequer was denuded of huge power revenues. Ample time was given to the consumers, big and small, private or corporate, to stop illegal consumption of electric power. All those entreaties fell on flat ear. The Enforcement Wing has stepped in and unearthed what otherwise would never have come to light. Now the ball is in the court of the Government. It has all the clearance, legal, public and moral to initiate punitive action so that not only huge arrears on account of misuse of power are recovered but also a good lesson is given to the defaulters that nobody, big or small, will be spared. We propose very heavy punishment for such pilferers of electric power as are culpable under law. This is the time that the Government must come down with a heavy hand and without discriminating between an ordinary consumer and an influential one, enforce the law for the general good. General public will certainly support a drastic measure of imposing heavy fine on the defaulters and ensuring that the fine imposed is recovered within the stipulated time.