SPF resents BJP’s “Sankalp Patra” for ignoring Sikh community in J&K

SPF president, Balvinder Singh and other members during a press conference at Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh
SPF president, Balvinder Singh and other members during a press conference at Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 14: Renowned RTI activist and president of Sikh Progressive Front (SPF), Balvinder Singh has expressed strong resentment for not including any demand/grievances of the Sikh community of Jammu and Kashmir in the 25 commitments made by BJP in their “Sankalp Patra”.
Accompanied by Manjit Singh (general secretary, SPF) and Rajinder Singh Sudan (joint secretary, SPF), Balvinder Singh was addressing a press conference, here today. Singh said the BJP that came to power on the slogan of “Sabka Sath Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Vikas”, given by none other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in its 45-pages “Sankalp Patra” even didn’t mention the name of Sikhs.
“It is surprising that out of 11 designated members of Manifesto Committee, there were four Muslims, three Rajputs, two Hindus and two from Pandit community but even a single member was not included from the Sikh community, despite the presence of good number of community members in the BJP since decades,” he added.
Balvinder reiterated demands of the Sikh community including political reservation for Sikhs either under migrant quota or PoJK quota (two seats, one from Jammu and one from Kashmir), inclusion of Sikh youth of Valley in Special Employment Package given to Pandits under SRO 425  by making amendment in SRO-412, introduction of Punjabi as compulsory subject and its incorporation into the JKUT Official Language Bill, setting up Minority Commission in J&K and providing additional ex-gratia compensation to the NOK’s of those 14 peoples killed in anti Sikh Riots of 1989 at par with compensation provided to other riot victims in the country.
He urged upon the community members to cast their vote only in favour of the Party which gives written assurances/written commitment for the fulfillment of these demands.
Other SPF members including Surjeet Singh, Satpal Singh, Babu Singh, TP Singh, Harmohinder Singh, Tejinder Singh, Iqbal Singh, Jaswinder Singh, Manmohan Singh, Satinder Pal Singh, Pritam Singh, M S Reen, Ravinder Singh Bitta and Kuldip Singh were also present on the occasion.