Spiritual Awakening

Chetan Prabhakar
Should we do this or should we do that, is a question we are often faced with. And in the desire to take upon the right path, we burden our mind with contingencies, what if this, what if that, and confusion sets in and we find ourselves sinking in the swamp rather than getting out of it.
This or that, good or bad, right or left, right or wrong, pureor impure, all these are the two sides of a coin. Without left, there cannot be right, neither can good exist without bad, likewise, without poor the rich cannot exist and without impure there can be no pure. Everything has its own importance. They co-exist, that is why, mother earth never discriminates between them. We cannot only have good, for with good co-exists bad. We either embrace both or we get none. God has created something for everybody. Therefore, there always are two sides to everything, something bad for one can be good for another, such as, rain is bad for a person who has a plan for a picnic, but, at the same time, rain is good for the farmer whose field is parched.
Similarly, if there is only good, good will lose its identity. In fact, the Universe has created everything as per the need of human beings, however, human beings have made good-bad, right-wrong, pure-impure etc as per their needs, likings, desires, concepts, and perceptions. Lot of people ask me if we can be spiritual and have non-vegetarian food. I always find it difficult to answer, but, the real answer can be a question; how will people survive in a place where there is no vegetation and eating non-vegetarian food is not a choice but a compulsion? So, for them, this is a matter of survival and if they have to eat this food in compulsion, then, in such a case, can they not be spiritual?
We have been conditioned to think that non-vegetarian food is tamasic food. Let us understand what is Satvik, Rajasic and Tamasic foods. Verses 17.8, 17.9 and 17.10 of the Bhagavad Gita provides the definitions of Satvik, Rajasic and Tamasic foods which are as follows:
‘17.8. Food dear to those in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify one’s existence and give strength, health, happiness, and satisfaction. Such foods are juicy, fatty, wholesome, and pleasing to heart. (Satvik)’
‘17.9. Foods that are too bitter, too sour, salty, hot, pungent, dry and burning are dear to those in the mode of passion. Such foods cause distress, misery and disease. (Rajasic)’
‘17.10. Food prepared more than three hours before being eaten, food that is tasteless, decomposed, and putrid, and foods consisting of remnants and untouchable things is dear to those in the mode of darkness. (Tamasic)’
Now, you need to decide yourself, which are Satvik, Rajasic and Tamasic foods as per the above definitions.
Spirituality is about getting connected to our soul and everyone has one, so everyone can be spiritual. Caste, creed, race, religion, food habits or other habits are no restraints for spirituality. Consume whatever you want to, do whatever you want to, so long it makes your soul happy. Plants are also living beings, they too breathe, they have a life, then, how can killing a plant be good? Just because their pain cannot be heard or their suffering seen, it does not mean that they feel no pain, they have no agony.
On the path of spirituality, the only thing we need to be cautious about is distinguishing between good and bad, right and wrong, pure and impure etc. As the moment, we fall into the trap of marking such distinctions, we start creating delusions in our minds which are the first hindrances on the path of awakening. Just accept everything as it is, including yourself, to make steadfast progress on the path of awakening.
We need to understand that spirituality and religion are very different. A religious person may not be spiritual. Because in spirituality, we try to understand our true self and it is about finding your soul purpose. In spirituality, there are no fixed rituals, you create your own rituals. You do not follow the conventional crap but you have your own wisdom and that makes a difference in the world. When you conquer your conditioned mind and create yourself as per your true nature or as the God had created you, you become unique in your endeavours and demeaner. By being spiritually awaken, you become a super soul. Verse 6.7 of the Bhagavad Gita provides as follows:
‘For one who has conquered the mind, the Super-soul is already reached, for he has attained tranquillity. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honour and dishonour are all the same.’
A great awakening is awaiting you. The only requirement is a conscious effort to conquer your mind through meditation and mindful/conscious living to awake yourself spiritually to have eternal bliss and tranquillity in all kind of circumstances.
Ask yourself a question: What if I could have been born to a different parent or in a different country? Suppose, you were born in India or the US, ask yourself a question, what if I was born in New Zealand or London or Pakistan? and In such a case, would I have the same mindset as I have now?
(The author is an Advocate)