Spiritual Intelligence

Ambica Kumari

Spiritual intelligence is defined as the human capacity to ask questions about the ultimate meaning of life and the integrated relationship between us and the world inwhich we live. It results in an increase in psychological well-being of individuals as well as having a goal intheir life.The materialism and individualism of Western culture have created an empty space in the lives of a lotof people and there is a growing need for spirituality; a search for community as a result of urbanization; and asearch for identity in an increasingly depersonalized society. People disenchanted with experts in every field said they are beginning to trust their own inner authority to seek a purposeful path, to create their own vision.
In this fast moving world, modern men and women live in a state of perpetual anxiety because of the uncertain times and mounting pressures from all quarters. Each day presents many incidents of youth crime and offences, heartbreaking and shocking episodes. Adolescence is the period of drastic change. At this stage, their mind wouldlike to attain the only slogan” Freedom… Freedom? The waves of modernism drains their souls, dry out their hearts and damp their spirits The uncertain effect of “new-gen? trend on the mental development and moral values of the younger generation are being feltincreasingly in all spheres of life. Today they live the lives of “wounded fragmentations? at the same time theylong for “further union, a deep communion?. They have a lot of questions like:” Why are we here? Or what is thepurpose of life?”
The students face complicated decision-making situations and issues involving values.
They should be aware of developing the ability to make proper choices in such situations through valueeducation.By giving them a strong foundation for spiritual intelligence and , they will be ableto understand their inner selves, others, and the outer world. This will help them to explore deeper questions oftheir life, thoughts, actions, and interactions from the awareness of reality, reduce their stress, and lead ameaningful and goal-oriented life. It is the duty of parents,teachers and authorities to teach them to be spiritually healthy.Since spiritual wellness involves one’s values, beliefs, and purpose, it can be achieved in several ways-both physically and mentally.
Explore your spiritual core
By exploring your spiritual core, you are simply asking yourself questions about the person you are and your meaning.
Ask yourself
Who am I? What is my purpose? What do I value most? These questions will lead you down a road where you will think more in-depth about yourself and allow you to notice things about yourself that will help you achieve fulfillment.
Look for deeper
Looking for deeper meanings in your life and analyzing occurring patterns will help you see that you have control over your destiny. Being aware of this can help you achieve a happy and healthy life.
Get it out
Expressing what is on your mind will help you to maintain a focused mind. After a long day or a significant event, you may feel confused and not be able to make sense of your feelings. By writing down your thoughts, you may be able to think clearer and move forward.
Try yoga
Yoga is a physical technique that can help improve your spiritual wellness by reducing emotional and physical strains on your mind and body. Yoga is taught at all different levels and can help lower stress, boost the immune system, and lower blood pressure as well as reduce anxiety, depression, fatigue, and insomnia.
Travel, sing, dance, write or do painting. It’s true! Taking time for yourself to enjoy your hobby can do wonders for your mind. This allows you to weed out stressors and set your mind on the right path for overall wellness. Some activities to take part in when on a trip can be exercising, speaking with a counselor or advisor, meditation, or taking a temporary vow of silence.
Think positively
Once you start viewing things in your life in a positive manner, you will find yourself thinking differently and refocusing your mind to a happy, healthy place. When you eliminate negativity and re-frame how you think of certain things and situations, you’ll notice yourself being more relaxed.
Take time to meditate
While managing your time and daily tasks can be hard, it is crucial to devote time to connecting with yourself. Whether in the morning when you wake up, during your lunch break, or before you go to sleep, take five to 10 minutes to meditate each day. Fitting mediation and relaxation into your lifestyle will free your mind and foster a stronger relationship with your spiritual wellness.
(The author is lecturer in psychology at GGHSS Mubarak Mandi Jammu)